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What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?


In this course you will acquire knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees.  You will apply your learning by presenting an overall HR plan for an organization that you have chosen.  This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to consider and recommend actions to management on how the organization can be most competitive in the global environment by utilizing the organization’s best assets, its human capital.

Development of the Plan

You can research an organization, or you can use an organization with which you are familiar.  The end product is a paper that presents a comprehensive HR plan for the organization that includes the concepts that you have learned from the text and outside resources.  You must include citations in text and a reference page (APA format).

Parameters for the organization

You should describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization.  Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.

Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources.  Analyze based on this premise.

Assume that a core group of managers and employees is already in place.

Your organization can produce a product or service.

Requirements for the Overview of the organization

  • Description of what the organization does and organizational structure.  Be specific.  You may include an organizational chart.
  • How does the organization operate?  How are tasks/work projects accomplished?
  • Is the organization domestic or international?  Locations?
  • Who are the competitors?
  • What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?
  • What is the culture like?
  • How is information communicated?
  • Why would people want to work for this organization?

HR Topics that must be addressed in the paper

Recruitment and Selection

Include the job description and interview questions that you develop in your appendix.  A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools should be included in the paper.  Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

Compensation and Benefits

Include the compensation package that you develop in your appendix.  A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools should be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

Performance Management

Include the performance appraisal and management system that you develop in your appendix.  A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools should be included in the paper.  Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

Training Program

Include the training program overview that you develop in your appendix.  A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools should be included in the paper.  Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.


Other topics of interest for your plan

This is a free topic area.  You can discuss diversity, succession planning, retention, or any topic that we have studied in the course that pertains to your plan.



The student should research current writings relevant to the HRM area involved to determine what kinds of causes and solutions have been applied to similar situations. Refer to peer reviewed journal articles and integrate these studies into the paper. Please use SWU library databases to search for these articles.



The data collected will be integrated into a comprehensive final report paper (which you should offer to share with the organization you analyzed), complete with an executive summary, your findings, analyses, action plan/ recommendation and any supporting data or appendices.

This report should be APA formatted, 12-15 pages in length, exclusive of appendices, table of contents, and cover sheet. The report must contain at least 8 quality reference articles – these must be appropriately cited and placed in a references page per APA requirements.

Criteria for Grading

See the Individual Project Paper  download rubric (PDF File)

  • Was the recommended plan sound?
  • Was the recommended program innovative?
  • Did the presentation expand our understanding of HRM in the organization?
  • Was there evidence of industry study?
  • Was there evidence of scholarly research conducted?
  • Evidence of Critical Thought- not just recitation of quotes
  • Contains rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, and applications
  • Examines implications of the plan and recommendations for contrasting views
  • Draws conclusions from the literature and personal experiences