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Discuss The Evaluation of the Cabrera Home setting process and budget reporting.

Managing Finance in Health and Social care



Read the following scenario: 2500 words


You will assume the role of Janet /John Samuels within this assignment.

You have been appointed to the post of Centre Manager for the Cabrera Nursing Home. The home is part of the of the Embankment Care group. The Care group HQ is based in London and owns 6 Nursing and care home in the UK. All six homes are located in the south of England and have between 40 & 60 residents, Average occupancy up to 31st December 2019 was 80%.

The Cabrera Home is located in Grind lesburgh, a small village located in the centre of Essex. Competition with local Nursing homes is challenging and occupancy rates have been falling to around 60% due to the Covid-19 crisis. Cabrera has thee wings each with 15 residential places:

Vigo wing Elderly with serious ailments requiring nursing care Swift wing Primarily the wing supports patients with dementia Compass wing Elderly requiring general care support.

Prior to taking up the post in three months’ time you are keen to support your new division and have offered to prepare briefing papers for the care group directors.

Marks will be allocated:

1.Discuss The Evaluation of the Cabrera Home setting process and budget reporting.

2. Financial critique of the local Trust and exploration of factors creating financial pressures upon the wider Health and Social Care sector. The aim is to Page 3 of 5 understand potential collaborative working and the financial barriers that may be faced.

3. Critical evaluation of the Service Development Proposal developed by the Cabrera Centre and set out your final recommendation.

4. Style, presentation, and format.