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. Explain how the learning experience and employability skills development has contributed toward your understanding of your future career

Words: 354
Pages: 2
Subject: Business

A: The Learning Experiences

For each of the learning experiences, you need to:
1. Explain how the learning experience and employability skills development has contributed toward your understanding of your future career

2. Upload evidence of participation

3. Identify the employability skill developed.

Examples of what your evidence could be include:

• A completion certificate

• A screen shot of the progress wheel/bar from the MOOC employability

• A screen shot, or series of shots, from within the course pages that clearly indicate what you have completed

• An upload of notes or other artefacts that demonstrate engagement with the course.

Learning Experience 1

Word count: 0 (100 – 150)
This has not been evidenced

The employability skill I developed:
Please select
Learning Experience 2

This has not been evidenced

The employability skill I developed:
Please select
Learning Experience 3

This has not been evidenced

The employability skill I developed:
Please select
B: Reflection and Evaluation

Bringing all three (3) of the learning experiences together, reflect on and evaluate how the learning experiences and employability skills development is relevant to:
• Your future career
• Others you will interact with at work, and
• Your professional and personal development.

As you do so, provide at least one specific example from each of the three (3) career learning experiences to illustrate how an employability skill was developed.

Include in your reflection:
• Your general reaction to your career learning experiences and developing skills in this way. Discuss any challenges or surprises in your career learning

• The relevance of your career learning experiences and skill development to your future career

• How your career learning experiences and skills development has affected your overall employability.

REMEMBER: While this is not a formal academic essay, as a piece of reflective writing it still requires:

• Organisation of its points for coherence and logical flow in your discussion

• Appropriate use of sentence structure and paragraphing

• Some carefully chosen and limited use of dot pointing may be used for highlighting important or key points, but this should be kept to a minimum and should not be used as a replacement of reflective discussion and explanation of your meaning

• A personal but still professional tone and style in the writing voice.