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Do you think urban agriculture is useful in an emergency/disaster situation like this pandemic? Why or why not?

Words: 363
Pages: 2
Subject: Sociology



With the pandemic, people found themselves experiencing job/income loss, lack of access to healthy foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. Some people were even too fearful to go grocery shopping. In urban settings, there were delays with food deliveries for supermarkets and many restaurants were closed for a period of time. Some never reopened.

How do people in a city protect their food supply in an emergency situation? How do they ensure that they will have access to health food if the food system becomes unreliable or unavailable? For some, growing food became a way to ensure their own food security as well as that of their community.

For this assignment, using the following hashtags, research the ways in which the pandemic has impacted our food system and how have people accessed food (or didn’t) during the past year, particularly from March 2020 through October 2020.

Look at these hashtags on IG and Twitter and compare what you find for the specified time period. Examine not only the posts/tweets that appear in your search, but the comments made on those posts/tweets. Look at the timeline of the accounts whose posts you’re researching. See what else they may have said about accessing and growing food during the pandemic.

#COVIDgarden #quarantinegarden #resiliencegarden

#COVID19garden #quarantinegardening #communityfridge

#pandemicgarden #quarentinegardening #communityfridges

#pandemicgardening #quarentinegardening #Foodsecurity


Submit a 2-3pg paper answering the questions above as well as the following additional questions:

Do you think urban agriculture is useful in an emergency/disaster situation like this pandemic? Why or why not?

In what ways do you think that growing food locally can be utilized as part of a safety net system for food insecure community members?

How is the tone the same or different when looking at posts with these hashtags on both platforms?

What are the common themes on each platform?

What themes are common across platforms?

How has urban agriculture been featured in posts about growing food in the pandemic?

Your paper should be double spaced, with Times New Roman 12pt font, 1 inch margins. In-text citations and a reference page/bibliography (APA style) are required. An absence of in-text citations and a bibliography will result in a grade of zero, as this constitutes plagiarism.