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Evaluate the effects of different photographic depictions of different product or service.


TASK 2B Consumer Insight Report

Submission Type: Essay

Task Overview:

– Students will be provided with a market research report about the effectiveness of different ways of advertising a product or service (IMPORTANT – market research report attached, refer to this report for evaluations and recommendations)

– Evaluate the effects of different photographic depictions of different product or service.

– Discuss how these results could help shape the development of your pitch project campaign

– Support your discussion with academic and/or industry articles as well as any relevant IMC theories/concepts from the textbook.

– 3.5 pages maximum excluding references and appendix

Marking Criteria:

1. Structure, presentation & references – Logical flow of argument. Succinct. Well signposted. Tables are appropriately used to present the evaluation of findings in an easy-to-read format. No missing, incorrect, or inconsistent references

2. Executive summary (half a page) – Excellent summary of findings and recommendations that is very well prioritized. The key findings and discussion are simplified and concise. Sharp articulation on the important role of consumer insight research as a way to inform subsequent IMC planning stages/campaigns

3. Evaluations of findings (max 2 pages) – Complete evaluation of findings that is very well prioritized. Interpretations of numerical results are completely accurate or inappropriate.

4. Recommendations (1 page) – Complete evaluation of findings that is very well prioritized. Interpretations of numerical results are completely accurate or inappropriate.

– Write the evaluation and recommendations first because I can write the executive summary myself in case you cannot write anymore due to word count and pay rate limits.