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Assume you are in a leadership role in a criminal justice agency write down 3 things you could do to help your employees build their:Physical reliance to extreme stress and trauma.


Battlefield America by John Whitehead.

• Assume you are in a leadership role in a criminal justice agency (i.e., police, courts, or corrections). Now, write down 3 things you could do to help your employees build their:

• Physical reliance to extreme stress and trauma,

• Emotional resilience,

• Mental resilience, and

• Spiritual resilience.

• What would you include (or are you currently doing) in your own personal practice to build each of these four types of resilience? Try to be specific as possible.



Question 3. WHITEHEAD (chapters 26 and 27 mostly, though do read through to the end of the book)

Reflect on what Whitehead has to say about the increasing role and merger of corporations and the government, particularly the role that Google has played, from its inception to today. Although many argue that the advent, development, and widespread reach of the Internet has been very beneficial in terms of the ability to access lots of different kinds of information at our human fingertips on a 24/7 basis, others, including Whitehead, have asserted that the ‘flip side’ has presented us with a very foreboding, bleak picture: that of an invisible machine with far-reaching tentacles into our lives, including our very consciousness.

In Chapter 26, Whitehead tells his readers that, “[a]s we shall see, no less powerful and potentially destructive to the human race are modern-day surveillance and robotic technologies, manufactured by corporations working in tandem with government agencies. These are the building blocks of the global electronic concentration camp encircling us all, and Google, in conjunction with the NSA, has set itself up as a formidable warden.”

HERE’S THE QUESTION!: Where will all this technology take us? (which is what Whitehead asks his readers). Answer this question and use an example of the technology Whitehead discusses in Chapter 27 in your response.