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Discuss how An analytical approach to determine profitability of different farms in the EU region as an outside investor.

Discuss how An analytical approach to determine profitability of different farms in the EU region as an outside investor


Hello, my paper takes data from the Farming business survey (FBS) , of different crops types and compares them to different countries in the EU region ( Excel file of this data is included, ive collected a lot of relevant data for this project )

Ill also include a similliar papers so you can get a better understanding of the structure and some of the methodology the used to interpret the data and build relevant talking points.

The purpose of the paper, is to compare *profitability* between the different crops and countries and highlight the differences and show which countries does stand out and go into details.

A bit of a structure in the paper

Abstract ~300

– introduction 1000 words

-Methodology : Focusing on the what type of data we have, countries, which countries, why, summary tables, overview of the data, what type of analysis and what have we done in respect to the data, ~750 words

– Results chapter: Tables + charts, informative statistics that can help us, key findings and important highlights ~500

Discussion : Bring together and highlight key findings, tables and charts. Show and compare between data, and compare with similar literature. ~2000 words.

Conclusion: recommendations and key findings, ~ 700 words.

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