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The President is after called the Chief Legislator:What constitutional powers does the President have to create legislation bills and law?

1. The President is ofter called the “Chief Legislator”. What constitutional powers does the President have to create legislation (bills) and law?

How are these powers checked by the other branches? What written orders can presidents use to define the enforcement of newly-signed bills or already existing laws? Consider the following presidents to illustrate the power of or a check on presidents, Jackson , Lincoln Truman , LBJ , War Powers Resolution , and GWBush What specific actions were taken by the legislative or judicial branches to limit some of Trump’s legislative initiatives and certain GOP challenges to the election results of 2020 ?

2. If we limit the President to two terms of four years by the 22nd Amendment, shouldn’t we also limit the members of Congress and the Article III federal judges to some specific term of years of service in that position? What are the terms of office for House members, Senators and those Article III justices and judges now? ]

How might we amend the Constitution to limit years in office for members of Congress and the judicial system? How did Hamilton present the issue of the President’s term and reelection?

Do you agree with Hamilton or not? Why? Have the responsibilities of the office grown so vast that they may be beyond the capabilities, time, and energy of a single individual? What events in history have required the President to stretch his constitutional authorities?

Should we split the job between domestic and international issues, or separate the rituals and ceremonies of the White House and the political engagements of the office?