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What do you think about the doctors who are prescribing meds and surgeries instead of healthy lifestyle changes like eating right and exercising?

Students must post with well researched responses pertaining to the questions provided about the topic: the Nutrition cure. Information must be cited from reputable sources, which supports their responses. If a citation isn’t included, full points will not be given. It’s acceptable to use your textbook as a resource.

Discussion board posts are considered COMPLETE if it is at least 300 words minimum, contains well-researched and properly cited facts and includes proper grammar and punctuation. Replies are not expected to be as bulky as posts, however they should include a reasonable rebuttal or addition to the discussion, adding a reference can help meet the criteria of 150 words minimum. Remember, full credit goes towards students who complete a post as well as reply to 2 different classmates (20 pts max).

Clint is a single, 32 year old, 6′ 0″ male weighing in at 250 lbs. His BMI is 34 and he has a waist circumference of 43 inches. He admits to not eating very well which consists of TV dinners, deli sandwiches, some fast food and soda. He rarely drinks water due to the dislike of the taste and spends most of his time on the couch watching TV when he is not at work. He works over 40 hours a week as a cashier.

He reports of constant low back pain that started about a year ago. He went to see a doctor about it and the doctor told him that it was due to his weight. In his recent health physical he found out that he has high blood pressure, is pre-diabetic and his cholesterol level (LDL) is high.

He is currently on 4 different medicines to treat his back pain, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, not to mention the additional meds that he is taking for his PTSD anxiety condition from a terrible car accident 3 years ago. He also smokes about a pack of cigarettes a day.

This client is a common trend in over 50% of Americans today. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, more than 2 in 3 adults are considered overweight or obese.

Just like Clint, these 50% (or so) Americans have health issues that are due to being overweight or obese. In order to control these issues, many doctors are prescribing prescription drugs. This type of treatment, as well as any other type of treatment for the issues surrounding obesity is costly. Americans are spending anywhere from $150-$200 billion dollars every year. These treatments range from a wide spectrum of choices including surgeries, medicines, gym memberships, etc.

Would you believe me if I told you that Clint can “cure” or rid himself of many of his health issues, including his back pain by simply eating healthy and becoming more physically active?

What do you think about the doctors who are prescribing meds and surgeries instead of healthy lifestyle changes like eating right and exercising?

What stands out to you about Clint’s situation?

Would you consider any of the suggestions on Table 11-11?