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Theory of development structures>Write as much information about what vulnerable families are:How does vulnerable families relate to this theory?


Task 7 (Out of the woods)(approx. 5 marks approx. 200 words)- the video is on ABC if you want to watch it however, this is a short version.

Gregory main character was abused by his father for many years until his mother sent him to an orphanage where he was sexual abused. His mother collected him however, could not look after him so sent him back. Gregory spent younger years in juvey and grew up to be a very violent and angry man. No longer being able to live in society anymore Gregory lived in the woods as he was so angry at society and couldn’t be around people anymore. Later years as Gregory moved back into society in small ways e.g selling weed at the markets … he started to get help from a psychologist (Christina North) who helped him work through his past trauma and he also reconnected with his sister (Wendy Smith) as a result of getting the help he needed.

“From a homeless alcoholic living in the wild to academic success, this is the next chapter in the inspiring comeback story of forest-dweller Gregory Smith.
When he left school at 14, dogged by the crushing assessment from teachers that he was “functioning at the lower level of the dull range”, Gregory had already endured a violent upbringing and months in an orphanage.

At 35, struggling with a lifetime of trauma, he opted to escape into the wild with no desire to return to the society that had failed him so dismally.
In an incredible turnaround, he emerged from the rainforest and gained an undergraduate degree and then a PhD at Southern Cross University.
This powerful story explores how Gregory is now using his voice to help others sleeping rough.”

Attempt this after you have completed all the learning in Module 1-8.
Choose the most important theme from the list you have created in Task 6. Write that as the heading for the task (e.g. Task 7 – Theme 1: Gender issues)
In 1-2 paragraphs with at least 2 references, discuss the theme in detail and explain from the family case study and how you decided on that theme (you are not describing what happened again in detail, rather analysing the data from the case study.

How do your findings relate to the textbooks, readings, and learning within the modules? How does each theme relate to 1 of the 3 theories of families [descriptions only – no diagrams]? Some themes suit certain theories.

N.B. We can only mark you on what you show us you know. e.g. if you just mention the theory you are not showing us that you understand this theory. If you discuss the way the events related to the theory (use a different theory for each theme), we can award more marks.

Themes are :
• Vulnerable Families
• Isolation.


 Theme 1: Vulnerable Families

1. 1-2 sentences describing what vulnerable families are. E.g.
1. According to (reference), vulnerable families are (those families that at risk due to different factors such a poverty, etc.)…. Similarly/alternatively, (reference another source) describes vulnerable families as being…

Write as much information about what vulnerable families are

2. In the case study, it is evident that Gregory comes from a vulnerable family because
• abusive family
• low socioeconomic status, etc.
3. The Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of development structures:
• Explain what the theory is – what are developmental structures.
• How does vulnerable families relate to this theory?
• How it relates to Gregory’s situation – As such, Gregory’s life is an example of (this system) as…. can impact vulnerable families.