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Describe the treatment you have carried out include the following Aim of therapy


Course of therapy guidelines

Describe the treatment you have carried out include the following

Aim of therapy, which should follow a logical case conceptualization and the problems /goals identified by the patient

Your intervention must be justified and link back to your conceptualization and the theory behind your intervention. You must spell out your reasons for checking certain strategies. How you examined specific hypothesis about the development and maintenance of the patients problems in the course of treatment, using cognitive behavioral experiments, imaginary work, reformulation dysfunctional assumptions. Treatment techniques need to be described albeit briefly and references given. Ensure you explain clearly what you did. vagueness raises doubt in examiners mind about how ell you understand what you did.

The course of treatment should demonstrate sound understanding of cognitive therapy theory and practice and show skill in working both with current maintaining processes and underlying assumptions. Show how your case conceptualization evolved if new info emerged during treatment. It is helpful if you include examples of material . Include a blue print in the summary the blue print should contain specific plan for relapse prevention management rather than what went on in session.

Describe any difficulties you encountered along the way. Show how these related to your overall understanding of the case ( your conceptualization) and describe how you used cognitive behavior methods to overcome them. Outcome evaluate the outcome of treatment showing changes in the problems originally identified and progress towards goals, changes in cognition, and scores. Use graphs and tables. Reassess all factors that you assessed at the start of treatment if unable to do so say why.

Discuss /review, summaries your learning, discuss appropriateness of conceptualization and if successful, and if you could have handles it differently. Mention confidentiality.