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Present a 2,500-word case study based on the 1986 report into the death of Heidi Koseda with an evaluation of the contemporary relevance of this case for social work students about to start the first practice placement.


Look at the assignment briefing and use the following theories; Social Control Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Social-psychological Strain Theory. for this assignment Present a 2,500-word case study based on the 1986 report into the death of Heidi Koseda with an evaluation of the contemporary relevance of this case for social work students about to start the first practice placement.

In your report you must:

a. Provide a concise summary of the key features of the case

b. Identify and use psychological and sociological models and theories to explain key ways in which risk was inadequately assessed and managed

c. Suggest alternative interventions that might have lead to a more positive outcome

d. Briefly contextualize the above in contemporary practice by referring to more recent case reviews and changes in practice since 1986

e.Outline ways in which the points raised in a. to d. can help you practice autonomously on your practice placement

Your case study must use the following subheadings.

1. Overview of the case

2. Analysis of the assessment and management of risk

3. Alternative possible interventions

4. Significant events and changes since 1986

5. Implicatons for personal practice

There are no individual word counts for the sub-sections of the case study. You need to be

guided by the grading criteria for this.