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Based on your conceptual framework and the other work you’ve completed thus far, generate a set of at least three practical recommendations that includes the following:identification of the risks in implementation.

Task List:
“Systematic Review” Project

Step 1: Review and Refine the Research Question

Review your resources on the following topics:
– 1) systematic review methodology, then
– 2) article synthesis in systematic review, then
– 3) thematic synthesis

Step 2: Assess the Quality of the Evidence

– Quality Assessment board to post your own quality assessment of your REA evidence and then be a second reviewer of the quality of the articles selected and assessed by one other student (see attached of other student’s work – file named: “Project 2_other student”).
– The client (the ABC University) will want evidence of the reliability and validity of your findings. Transparency and rigor are the hallmarks of any systematic review.

Step 3: Code Your Data

Review the evidence compiled by your team as well as your notes on coding for:
– Qualitative research
– first cycle coding , and
– second cycle coding

Your notes on within-case and cross-case analysis and analytic memoing is important as well.

– review your doctoral resources on describing and analyzing studies for a systematic review
– Provide an integrated analysis of the individual REAs with respect to the current research question, aggregate: weigh and synthesize the evidence and a writeup of the findings.

Step 4: Conceptual framework (see page 31 in the document named as “MY REA”)

– create a conceptual framework that clearly integrates the concepts and relationships discovered during the organizational analysis and preparation of the consultant proposal from Project 1 and the findings from the individual REAs from Project 2. (see Doc 1: Project 1_MyOwn and Doc 2: Project 2_ MyOwn”)

Step 5: Develop Practice Recommendations

Based on your conceptual framework and the other work you’ve completed thus far,
generate a set of at least three practical recommendations that includes the following:

– identification of the risks in implementation

– practical considerations regarding gaining acceptance for the recommendations
It will be helpful to review your readings on closing the research-practice gap, particularly refers to “Evidence-Based Management: The Possibilities of Interpretation.” (Follow the guidelines of Evidence-Based Management in consulting work to develop recommendations)

Marking Scheme

– Apply knowledge gained from a systematic review of relevant evidence to the practitioner decision-making process.

– Address the epistemological concerns of relevant organizational stakeholders, with respect to evidence synthesis.

– Make and implement data-driven decisions.

– Foster an evidence-based mindset in an organization.

– Develop a conceptual model within a particular domain.

– Identify the theory (-ies) to be modeled.

– Name the components of the theory (-ies).

– Represent correctly the concepts as elements of a graphic model.

– Represent correctly the relationships as elements of a graphic model.

– Demonstrate the concepts and relationships of the graphic model in a narrative form.

– Develop solutions to the management practice problem consistent with the range of

– potential courses of action suggested by a theory.

– Identify possible solutions to the problem consistent with a chosen theory.

– Evaluate the solutions based on their application to the problem and the range of

– appropriate actions that could be taken consistent with the theory.

– Evaluate the solutions based on possible intended and unintended consequences.

– Recommend the solution or solutions that will be most effective and have the fewest potential drawbacks.

– Justify the solution or solutions you selected based on research and/or evidence.