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Evaluation Plans: Plan how you will evaluate your efforts following a crisis in order to provide better protection and response for the next crisis.

MS645 – Workplace Security

Stand-Alone Project: A Corporate Emergency Contingency Plan (200 points)

You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each lesson provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each lesson. (A 10-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.)

Instructions: For the International Widget Corporation (IWC) (this fictional company is described in Chapter 5 in your textbook), design a contingency plan to address each of the following types of threats. Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself.

If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. Include the “Course” Text Book in your References: ISBN: 978-0-12-804604-3, The Manager’s Handbook for Corporate Security: Establishing and Managing a Successful Assets Protection Program (2nd Ed.) by Edward P. Halibozek and Gerald L Kovacich (2017). Butterworth-Heinemann. An Imprint of Elsevier,

(200 points) (A 14-page, double-spaced, response is required.)

Part A Natural Disaster/Weather-Related Threats:

This could include fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, thunderstorms, and medical emergencies, etc. (60 points total; see point breakdown below)

Part B Violence:

This could include workplace violence, riots and civil disturbances, sabotage, bomb threats, and terrorism, etc. (60 points total; see point breakdown below)

Part CIT Disasters:

This would include loss of information through any avenue that would be a threat to the company. (60 points total; see point breakdown below)

Part D Grammar/Formatting (20 points)

For each of the threats in Parts A-C, design a contingency plan that addresses each of the following. [Please note that the following list must be used for all three (3) Parts (A-C) above.] Although there may be components of the plans that are similar, each part should be tailored to address the particular threat that is being discussed.

1. Situation/Risk Analyses: In this section, analyze the risk for the particular disaster. Consider the geographical location of the company, physical and/or intellectual assets, recent history, etc. Your survey might take the form of a SWOT analysis, reviewing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces. You will need to anticipate and plan for crises based on actual or perceived threats. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total]

2. Immediate Response Plans: In this section, plan the immediate response to the threat. Designate and name your crisis team members by specialties within the company and outline their responsibilities. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total]

3. Communication Plans: Establish communication protocols by identifying and creating a plan for communicating with internal and external audiences. Name media spokespersons based on their positions within the company and their areas of expertise. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total]

4. Business Continuity Plans: Consider business continuity teams, recovery, vital records, and resumption as they relate to the specific threat. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total]

5. Training Plans: Plan how you would train your teams and other employees, including the media spokespersons. Detail how the training will take place, who will be responsible for it, and how often it will occur. In addition, design training drills that involve testing the contingency plan for each threat. Training drills should be both internal and external; be sure to include the necessary public agencies, when appropriate. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total]

6. Evaluation Plans: Plan how you will evaluate your efforts following a crisis in order to provide better protection and response for the next crisis. [10 points for each Part (A-C), 30 points total].

(APA 7 Writing Style). A 14-page response is required. Use APA 7 Cover/Title Page.