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Discuss the Analysis of Media Technologies and their Production Contexts.

Discuss the Analysis of Media Technologies and their Production Contexts

This assignment, you will use what you learned about media technologies (social media specifically) and their production contexts (social media companies) to answer the following question: What should we do to solve the social dilemma?


Your answer will be your thesis and therefore should include reference to the type of structural solution you are proposing, i.e., economic, legal, or organizational. Your answer to this question should be presented in an approximately 4-6 page essay with the following format:


Should include a definition of social media, introduction to the particular parts of social media your paper will focus on, and the answer to the question above (HINT: this answer is your thesis)


Should include three parts: a) Definition of the problem, b) Explanation of the causes of the problem, and c) Proposed solution to the problem (and its cause). Be sure the solution section uses ONE of the three types of structural solutions (i.e., economic, legal, or organizational). All three sections should include your own analysis and evidence (in the form of your research and examples) to support your points. All three sections should be used to answer support the answer to the research question.


Review the points you made in the paper and make connections between your analysis and the answer to the research question. Additionally, provide an answer to the following questions: Do you think your solution will work? Why or why not?

Finally, be sure to use appropriate in-text and reference page citations of all sources you use in the paper, including the textbook and readings provided for class. Turn in your typed final paper by the deadline.