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Evaluate the key traits of a global manager and analyze the relevance of adapting management styles in today’s rapidly changing global environments.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:
On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

1. Evaluate the key traits of a global manager and analyze the relevance of adapting management styles in today’s rapidly changing global environments.

2. Appraise an understanding of practical applications of intercultural competency.

3. Analyze the complexities of global organizations and cultural, ethical and value-based considerations for managers wishing to pursue global strategies.

4. Undertake a self-audit on to identify skills and competencies and based on audit findings, prepare a development plan.

Number of attempts

Note that, under the Course Regulations, you are entitled to only two attempts to pass each assignment. You are strongly advised to take every opportunity to submit work as failure to submit counts as a fail. Should you fail an assignment, it is particularly important that you arrange a tutorial with the marker so that you can improve your work.

Read the regulations on number of attempts on your course page.
Read the plagiarism guidelines on your module page.
Late Submissions

Read the late submission regulations and penalties on your module page or on your Course page.
Assessment Brief: First Attempt
Assessment Overview

This module is assessed through one piece of coursework assessment in the form of an assignment as outlined below. The assessment tests all the learning outcomes for this module. The assessment requires you to apply knowledge obtained in class and through independent further reading. This assessment allows you to demonstrate your ability to use appropriate tools and techniques to develop a solution to a given situation. It also allows you to reflect on your journey through the module to the point of assessment.

You will demonstrate knowledge, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation from your choice of distinct Global Management literature and their impact in different organizational settings that you will have learned throughout the module. You are expected to draw on your choice of conceptual and theoretical frameworks covered in the class to review how the businesses tackle the issues related to the businesses operating in global market and how the variety of culture and values effect the way business manager conduct.

This assessment method is relevant and appropriate for this module as it allows you to consider you learning by critically reviewing literature on various academic, theoretical, and practical domains and test proposed theories and models in a real environment through academic investigation, analysis, evaluation, and subsequent recommendations. This form of assessment prepares you for the real world where you may be working at strategic level and/or be involved in the change processes.

To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 40%. Failure to achieve a pass after the second attempt will result in the student being withdrawn from the course.

Required task (3000 words)

Using academic theories and a case study, evaluate and analyze key traits of a global manager, such as, the appraisal of international culture, ethics and value-based considerations following which you should carry out a self-audit followed by a development plan.

The following structure shall be used,

1. Introduction. Clearly re-state the topic, aim and objectives and outline the structure of the work (150 words)

2. Critical literature review about international culture, ethics, and values-based considerations (1200 words)

3.Prepare  A case study about a business of your choice highlighting how the business has / not benefited from international culture, ethics, and values-based considerations (1000 words)

4. Using a self-audit, score yourself on a scale of 1-10 about international culture, ethics and values-based considerations and draw a detailed plan about how and by when you intend to develop these traits (500 words)

5. Conclusion (150 words)

6. List of references (not included in the word count). In-text citations and the list of references should follow Harvard style. A minimum of 15 academic references are required.

1.1. Word count

The word count limit (3000 words, 10% +/- margin) is for your portfolio. The cover sheet, list of references and appendices are not part of the word count. In-text citations used in the main body of the assignment (e.g., Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) are included in the word count. You are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless references are made to it in the main text to demonstrate the linkage. The appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to appendices, then this is not marked. Deduction of 1 mark for every 100 words over or below the stipulated word count will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements.

1.2. Draft Reading

Your lecturer/tutor will read only one page of one draft version of your work, one side of A4, typed at font 11 and MS Word processed, once up to 2 weeks before the hand-in date. This way you can use this ‘formative’ feedback to develop your work further. This feedback does not contribute towards a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ mark. Drafts are not graded or assessed – the purpose of this exercise is for you to gain feedback to improve your work. Guidance can be sought by speaking to your lecturer/tutor if there are any areas of concern or by arranging an appointment via e-mail.

1.3. Submission

Your portfolio should be submitted using TurnitIn link. Hard copy or email submissions are not acceptable. Follow the University’s policy regarding online submission and submitting assignments on time. You should also submit your work through the ‘test’ Turnitin to ensure you abide by the rules on plagiarism. The only acceptable file type is MS Word.

1.4. Formatting and presentation

The assignment should be word-processed and double line spaced. Use of bullet points should be avoided or used sparingly.
• Use Arial size 11 point for your assignments, full justified.
• Each page should be numbered except for the contents pages (if any)
• Presentation must be formal in language and style and must adhere to the structure given above.

1.5. Referencing

It is a requirement that there be 15 references with the majority being academic sources. All work should be referenced using the Harvard format – there are handouts available online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library. Do not use popular websites like Wikipedia, Google, or Yahoo – the former is not peer assessed and the work is not always reliable, and the latter are search engines. Use the latest textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable). You should, however, use journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than textbooks.