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What lessons can be learned from the Canadian Immigration Policy response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

APA 7th edition is to be followed throughout the paper. useful.

 The general theme of the paper is the immigration policy in Canada pre- and post COVID-19. The aim is to establish a comparison based on facts, clear arguments, no bias. The general tone should reflect a balanced argumentation for the negative and positive impacts of COVID-19 on the immigration policy.

 The paper hypothesis is the following:
The initial Canadian Immigration response to the pandemic was divorced from the real impacts of COVID-19. However, in 2021 Canada has turned approach by introducing new measurements.

You may paraphrase the hypothesis if you wish to.

 3-4 clear arguments are needed to support the thesis. Devote a heading for each argument and refers to specific statistics, papers/ evidence from the literature and examples in support of your arguments.use government reports/statistics and existing experts analysis to back your arguments.

 The paper findings/analysis should bring up:

(1) What lessons can be learned from the Canadian Immigration Policy response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

(2) What type of recovery planning does Canada need?

 First you need to show what are the changes before and after COVID-19 (initial response + recent response or let’s say development in response) and which immigration policies such as for students, business community, skilled workers or refugees. Need to choose one policy for a specific group and show what kind of changes done? Working on all immigration policies means to show changes in all policies. However, this will be very broad and difficult to cover in one paper. Limit the focus and clarify that in the intro and throughout the paper. I recommend focusing on (1) students (2) essential workers. You may justify this choice in relation to (1) they among the most affected during covid/being already vulnerable as the pre-covid policies were not much in their favor (2) the importance of these 2 categories to Canada economy.

 You may want to take a look at these 2 links:

Internationally trained health-care professionals unable to help in COVID-19 fight. Here’s why:
Why the Canadian government must review its immigration policy:

 I expect to see this general outline. Please let me know in advance of any changes. I trust your judgment and expertise to suggest improvements.


a. Introduce your puzzle or question/objective
b. Briefly explain why it is important or relevant to the field.
c. Define the key terms.

Define the main terms you are going to use. You need to establish the ground rules that define what you are explaining. If you are investigating the role of ethnicity in civil wars, what do you mean by ethnicity, and what is a civil war? If you are focusing on how NGOs fight corruption, what do you mean by corruption?
In our case, some of the terms you must define (and you can use subtitles for each one) are: for example, immigration policy/making
Readers do not need to know every source you read. They just need a general sense of any debates, and the reasons you think your definitions are best. (If there are any obvious drawbacks to your definition, mention them here. Then justify why you use them anyway.)

d. Provide a brief roadmap to the paper itself, introducing each section and identifying how the paper will proceed to answer the research question(s).
You may write for example: The rest of the paper has been organized as follows: the brief account of existing literature related to the topic is presented in Sect. 2 followed by an explanation of the conceptual framework in Sect. 3. Section 4 describes the methodology adopted in the paper. while results and discussion is carried out in Sect. 5. Paper is concluded in Sect. 6 with some policy implications.


show a gap in the literature on which you will work.
Under each of the below 2 main headings, please add clear and consistent sub-headings, to make the comparison between the pre and post clear.)
(1) Immigration Policy in Canada Pre-COVID 19
(2) Immigration Policy in Canada Post-COVID19

3. Conceptual model/framework and hypotheses
Conceptual framework is generally in visual form such as a figure which explain your works/variables to make easy/understandable for your audience. Many studies which are qualitative in nature, do not have conceptual framework. You can delete this section if it is unnecessary. And the text can be used in the introduction section or in the literature review section where appropriate to clearly highlight the hypothesis (Canada initial immigration response to COVID-19 is questionable/not effective. In 2021 there are new measurements to tackle some of the issues (opening new streams for immigration), BUT there is still more to do (that’s the recommendations part or the recovery plan…) )


In case you are not using a conceptual model in the sense of using variables/ quantitative and qualitative data, then this paper is actually a review paper in which you review other researchers’ works and draw some conclusions. You need to make this clear throughout the paper if this is what you choose to do and then in this section you can include answers to the following questions:

How the relevant papers are selected. Any database used for this purpose?
How many papers used for your review? Explain sampling procedures.
How did you check the reliability and validness of the selected papers?
Type of reviewing selected methods such as systematic review.
Write how the review results are presented in accordance with your research questions or objectives.

5. Analysis, finding and discussions
(1) Canada immigration initial response to the pandemic (2019-2020)
(2) Canada immigration new measurements in 2021