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Did this long-term high-wage environment simply disappear without any trace with the eventual recovery of the population or did structural, institutional and technological changes occur?


1) Just use the the papers that uploaded to files as a reference do not use any other. And do not copy paste sentences from papers use just your own words

2) Describe the potential long-run economic consequences of pandemics.

3) Analyse the links between diseases, the environment, and public health.

4) Analyse the links between pandemics and human capital.

5) Analyse Long-run consequences of the Black Death by the paper ((Pamuk, 2007)

a) Was the long-term impact of the BlackDeath(BD)the same across Europe?

b) Was the rise of north-western Europe independent of this high-wage environment or, at least in part, due to the fact that it was able to develop a better response to this


6) Long-run consequences of the Black Death (Pamuk, 2007)

Decline in population>decline in output=>rise in output/capita.

• Working age population suffered more

• Change in relative factor prices=>change in patterns of demand.

• When mortality began to decline=>population+ output increase => decline wages to pre-plague levels.

discuss all these bullet points from Pamuk 2007 paper with your own words.

7) Long-run consequences of the Black Death (Pamuk, 2007)

• High wage environment:

1. Did this long-term high-wage environment simply disappear without any trace with the eventual recovery of the population or did structural, institutional and technological changes occur?

2. Were the rise of north-western Europe and the changing economic positions within the continent independent of this high-wage environment or, at least in part, due to the fact that north-western Europe was able to develop a better response to this environment?

8) Seventeenth century plagues in Europe use (Alfani, 2013)

Plague was the main cause of demographic decline.

• What were the relative impacts of t he plague?

9) Small pox and indigenous peoples in the US use (Carlos and Lewis, 2012)

What is the effect of the arrival of Europeans on the existing populations of the Americas?

Estimate impact of the epidemic through 4 methods

1. Reports received by Hudson’sBayCompany.

2. Case fatality of smallpox outbreaks. 3. Fur trade

4. Carrying capacity of the region

Explain all these in more detail.

10) Diseases and public health (Gallardo-Albarrán, 2020)

What was the impact of waterworks and sewerage on mortality in German cities during the period 1877–1913?

• Drinking water contributed to the improvement of the disease environment.

• Its effects were limited in the absence of sewerage networks => mortality decreased more in municipalities that implemented both sanitary infrastructures and waterworks.

• Why?

1. Reduced the exposure of citizens to diseases

2. Lower incidence of ailments that damage the immune system of their increases the chances of surviving non- waterborne diseases

explain these bullet points more detailed

11) Labour legislation and pandemics use (Cohn, 2007)

How did monarchies and city-states react to the Black Death across western Europe in terms of labour legislation?

12) Public goods, human capital and pandemics use paper ((Dittmar and Meisenzahl, 2020)

What role do plagues have in the relationship between legal change, human capital, and growth in Germany in the 1500s?

13) Spanish flu and female labour force participation use (Fenske et al, 2020)

14) What sources, data and methods have economists used to analyse the long run effects of pandemics?

15) What can be the effects of pandemics on human capital?

16) How are the Spanish Flu and air pollution related?