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Evaluate the role of nurse leaders in leading, managing, and changing practice through innovation in order to improve patient / service user care in a variety of settings

Empowering black adults with type two diabetes to prevent and delay diabetes complications through education.

Leading Innovation and Improvement in Nursing Practice
Summative Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Brief: This assignment will have two parts a formative and a summative.

Summative: Summative:

For this assignment you are required to explore how a service could be led/ managed/ improved or change in order to improve patient safety or/and outcomes. You will need to identify a particular service and have clear reasons for this service needing change/improvement /led or managed. The first step in any change is to assess the current state of the service, then set out a plan, explore how that plan will be implemented, and critically evaluate the change /improvement / led or managed service.

You will need to decide on your chosen strategy for change which will be based on theories related to change management / leadership / management, project management, evidence- based practice, research, current health care policies, clinical guidelines, reports, findings and recommendations. You will need to set your work against the background of the NHS, NHS policies and evidence- based practice.
6000 words-

Formative: You will be expected to design a poster. You will share your Poster with your supervisor for feedback and with your group. The Poster will follow the same format as your assignment. However, your poster presentation will only be able to outline your plans briefly.
(Poster to be submitted with the summative essay as an appendix).


1. Evaluate the role of nurse leaders in leading, managing, and changing practice through innovation in order to improve patient / service user care in a variety of settings

2. Critically analyse and evaluate methods of service evaluation and service improvement to propose and plan for organisational change and service improvement

3. Systematically appraise and apply collaborative approaches to risk identification, problem solving and decision-making in planning and implementing innovations in challenging, complex and dynamic health and social care systems.

4. Appraise current healthcare challenges and evaluate the involvement of all stakeholders in developing plans for delivering change and innovation that focus on better outcomes for people who use services.

Assignment Guidelines

assignment is  which discusses a project plan of how a particular service can be led or managed, improved and changed in order to improve patient / service user safety or/ and outcomes.

The first step in any change/improvement/innovation is to assess the current state of the service. This would help you in identifying the service gap and rationale for change/improvement/innovation. You will then need to set out a plan, discuss/ explore how that plan might be implemented and critically evaluate your proposed change /improvement / led or managed service.

You will need to decide on your chosen strategy for change which will be based on theories related to change management / leadership / management, project management, evidence- based practice research, current health care policies, clinical guidelines, reports, findings and recommendations. You will need to set your work against the background of the NHS, NHS policies and evidence- based practice.

Structure Guidance

1. Introduction (500 words).
The introduction needs to clearly explain what the assignment is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above. Your introduction also needs to outline how the essay is structured and articulate why your topic is of significance/importance in relation to patient safety or/and outcomes. You can use references to support your work.

2. Context and Background (1000 words)

1. Appraise current healthcare challenges in England or in the UK (LO4). You will need to clearly identify gap in service in your field of nursing practice (Session 1 & 3).
2. You will need to discuss the NHS and or other organisational policies, internal and external drivers for change, for example, reports, clinical guidelines, recommendations supporting change, innovation and improvement in your field of practice (Session 1, 2 & 3).
3. Briefly discuss the change, innovation /improvement in service that is being proposed. You need to clearly articulate how patients or/and service users will benefit from the proposed change (Session 1 & 3). (LO1).

3. Discussion (4000 words)

1. Critically explore and appraise the leadership (Session 4) and change management strategies (Session 2) that will be used to implement the change. In discussing your strategy you need to evaluate the role of nurse leaders in leading, managing, and changing practice (Session 6 & 10) through innovation in order to improve patient / service user care in a variety of settings in your field of practice (Session 9). (LO1).

2. Critically discuss your proposed delivery plan (Session 5) of change / improvement / innovation to improve patient safety/outcomes (Session 9). You need to clearly evaluate the involvement of all stakeholders in developing the plans for delivering change and innovation that focus on better outcomes for people who use services in your field of practice (Session 3&4). (LO4).

3. Systematically appraise collaborative approaches to identifying risks and challenges, problem solving and decision-making in planning and implementing your proposed change in challenging, complex and dynamic health and social care systems such as the NHS. You need to clearly identify potential barriers and how these will be managed using evidence -based approaches (Session 8 & 9). (LO3).

4. Discuss how you will evaluate and measure the success of your delivery/implementation plan and what further action plan might be required (Session 7 & 8). (LO2).

5. Critically reflect on how you have developed your ability to lead change since year 1. You need to reflect on how your learning has prepared you to be able to lead, manage, and improve services in order to improve patient / service user outcomes and or safety in your field of practice (Session 6). (LO1).

4. Conclusion (500 words)

1. Summary: Write a short concluding statement, which summarises the key learning points that have emerged from the discussion.
2. Recommendations. Make recommendations on what needs to be done in light of your findings and conclusions.

5. References. Appropriate referencing is an important element of academic writing. Ensure that you have used the most up-to-date UWL referencing guide available from the library. Please be aware that the referencing guide is regularly updated.

6. Appendices. You are required to include your poster as an appendix (Session 11). Any other diagrams /charts should also be included in the appendix. Remember that appendices need to be fully referenced and need to be cited in the main body of your work. Appendices are not marked, but supplement the information discussed in the main body of the essay.

Date/time/method of submission/timing & method of feedback:
Submission via Turnitin due date Results release date Module
Assessment Board Method of feedback
1st Attempt
4th June 2021 20 days after submission TBC Individual written feedback on

2nd Attempt
30th July 2021 20 days after submission TBC Individual written feedback on