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What specific strategies identified in this module/week’s reading/presentations will equip you to provide beneficial disaster mental heath care?


You will participate in 3 Discussions in this course. We will be using all the technical means available to us to make this both a fun and academically thought-provoking experience. You will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The prompts for each discussion will expand upon your assigned readings and are designed to enhance your learning experience. The thread may be a video, narrated PowerPoint, or other related communication software product that you like and would be effective in conveying your ideas. It also must be a written post of 300–400 words. Either format must demonstrate course-related knowledge. Both the frequency of your participation and the depth of the content that you present/write are important. Use the Discussion Grading to ensure you have fulfilled all assignment requirements. Below are the specific requirements for each part of this activity.


• Must cite at least 2 scholarly resources
• Must thoroughly address the topic prompt
• Must integrate a Christian worldview, using biblical themes/quotes where applicable
• Use current APA standards with correct grammar and mechanics

In addition to the thread, you will have a conversation with at least 2 of your peers. You will reply to all classmates who ask questions about your thread and reply to 2 or more other classmates’ threads. The replies may be in similar formats described for the thread (video, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) or can be written replies of 50 or more words. The word count is not as important as the quality of your content to move the conversation forward in exploring the forum’s topic. Other elements to achieve:
• Avoid simply stating “I agree” or “I disagree” as you must provide support for your thoughts
• Provide substantive additional thoughts regarding the classmate’s thread and explain the rationale for comments to a classmate
• Use current APA standards with correct grammar and mechanics

Discussion Thread

You are activated to response to an active shooter incident at a local high school. You have been informed that there are more than 24 individuals who have been shot with 7 confirmed fatalities. You are assigned to provide disaster mental health support to students, faculty, & staff who survived the incident. You are meeting the survivors in the school gymnasium. As a disaster mental health counselor, respond to the following questions:
1. What specific strategies identified in this module/week’s reading/presentations will equip you to provide beneficial disaster mental heath care?

2. What scholarly, evidence-informed strategies would you consider?

3. What strategies have you used or observed?