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Explain the nature of the image formed by a plane mirror:Understand the Laws of Refraction.

Optics and Sound

Assignment Brief:

Essay structure:

1 – Introduction Approx. 1/10th of the essay
2- Main body
3- Conclusions and Recommendations Approx 1/10th of the essay
You are required to write an essay that answers the question below.

“Our senses of sight and hearing depend upon our brain’s ability to distinguish different frequencies of light waves and sound waves. How do our sensory organs channel light and sound to the appropriate receptors to decode these two different sorts of waves?”

Your essay must include the following three sections:
• Section 1 – Explain models of the movement of light and sound waves.
• Section 2 – Identify the corrective lenses required for short and long sight and explain the process.
• Section 3 – Use the concept of frequency in explaining the detection of sound waves by the inner ear.


The essay should be written in paragraphs which flow; it is therefore recommended that you plan your essay before you start to write it.

You must attempt to include some conclusions towards the end of your essay.

Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and a references list provided.

The essay should be a maximum of 1,200 words in length.

Assignment Criteria:

• AC 41.1: Identify the corrective lens required for short and long sight and explain the process.
• AC 51.1: Explain models of the movement of light and sound waves.
• AC 61.1: Use the concept of frequency in explaining the detection of sound waves by the inner ear.
Unit Materials given to me:

Unit Introduction

This unit examines the physics behind our two most vital senses – sight and hearing.

We will see that light travels in a straight line but is reflected and refracted by different materials. We will look at structure of the human eye, and the features of optical lenses that can correct long-sighted and short-sighted vision.

We will also look at the way sound travels, and how the human ear distinguishes pitch.
Learning Outcomes

LO 1: Understand the Laws of Reflection

AC 1.1: Explain the nature of the image formed by a plane mirror
LO 2: Understand the Laws of Refraction

AC 2.1: Use Snell’s Law to calculate angle of refraction
LO 3: Understand the action of convex and concave lenses

AC 3.1: Calculate the power of convex and concave lenses from their focal lengths
LO 4: Understand the simple optics of the eye

AC 4.1: Identify the corrective lens required for short and long sight and explain the process
LO 5: Understand the nature of transverse and longitudinal wave motions

AC 5.1: Explain models of the movement of light and sound waves
LO 6: Understand how the ear detects sound waves

AC 6.1: Use the concept of frequency in explaining the detection of sound waves by the inner ear