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Using Apple company as example of your chosen brand Outline an integrated marketing campaign campaign using Paid Media tactics and actions focusing on Advertising and Sponsorship.

Using Apple company as example of your chosen brand Outline an integrated marketing campaign campaign using Paid Media tactics and actions focusing on Advertising and Sponsorship (Week 5).


Outline an integrated marketing campaign campaign using Paid Media tactics and actions focusing on Advertising and Sponsorship. First, introduce a three-month calendar re: breakdown of activities and associated timeline. Then detail out the main tactics and some of the actions (mechanics) involved in the delivery of the campaign itself.

Consider the aspect of integration, i.e. how different parts of the integrated marketing campaign campaign can work together to best effect. Also: The plan needs to be underpinned by a clear targeting strategy (primary and secondary targets segment) as well as a basic creative idea. In closing, considerations about limitations and barriers to the implementation of the campaign must be given.

Outline an IMC campaign using Paid

Media tactics and actions focusing on

Advertising and Sponsorship

• First, introduce a three-month calendar

re: breakdown of activities and associated


• Then detail out the main tactics and some of the actions (mechanics) involved in the delivery of the campaign itself consider the aspect of integration, i.e. how different parts of the IMC campaign can work together to best effect

• Also: The plan needs to be underpinned by a clear targeting strategy (primary and secondary targets segment) as well as a basic creative idea. In closing, considerations about limitations and barriers to the implementation of the campaign must be given.