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Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughoL1t your unit/organ1zation/Am1y?

Attached Files:- Assessing Writing SHARP Essay.

SHARP- Essay

“lnforn1learr1ers they will write a two-page (n1ax1n1un1) essay address111g aclLtal SHARP issues fron1your environment – unit, organ1zation1 or Army – and making recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential”
solutior1s.The winner will be selected by the con1n1anda11t and recognized with a certificate of achievement and coin during graduation.

Title:  Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughoL1t your unit/organ1zation/Am1y? (choose one)

I. lntroductior1 (1-2 paragraphs)

A . Opening staten1ent

B. Backgrou11d informat1or1

C. Purpose statement

II. Body (2-4 paragraphs)

A. (Poir1t A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence.

B. (Point 8) Does our current approach to training  reduce (or not reduce) the risk of sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A)

C. (Point C) Supporting topic & ev1de11ce to support your thesis.

0.(Poi11t 0) How do \Ve end sexual Violence in the military ? .

1111. Condusion (1-2 paragraphs) –

A. Sun1n1arize the main points


• Essay n ust be 1-2 pages i11 ler1gth (title page does r1ot count as a page).

• Essay is an ir1dividual activity (although peer ed1t1ng is allowed). –

• Essay n1ust contain two references (ARs, personal 1nterviews” “peer review articles, etc ).”

• Essay is due on Day 1 of the Assessn1ent Phase (provide students with exact date arid time).

• Con1n1andant (or designated representative) wi_ll choose the best essay