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Demonstrate literacy and language skills in writing laboratory reports and/or the use of specialist language.

International Foundation Programme

Academic Year 2020-2021 – September Cohort

(Adapted from Project Presentation Assignment by ISC University of Surrey)
This assessment comprises 60% of your overall Physics Module.

HoAS Approved 06/05/2021 HoC (if any concerns) EE Approved
General requirements:

Poster: 300-400 words (presented in the form of PowerPoint)

Choose one of the project titles below and devise a poster that you will present orally to showcase your knowledge and understanding.

Project Titles:

1. Nuclear fusion and fusion reactors. 2. Electromagnets and their uses. 3. Physics of roller coasters. 4. Particle detectors and drift chambers. 5. Maglev trains. 6. The Hubble Space telescope. 7. Pinhole camera. 8. Superconductors. 9. Touch screen. 10. Types of sensors used in Industrial Automation. 11. How does the aurora borealis work? 12. Van de Graaff generator. 13. Polarisation applications. 14. Mobile phone chargers. 15. Feedback systems and applications.

Course name: Physics (Sep 2020) Summative Assessment 2
Remember, your aim is to show what the underlying physics is to your poster topic and therefore it is important to include the physics phenomena related to the poster topic.
HoAS Approved 06/05/2021 HoC (if any concerns) EE Approved

1 Introduction

The purpose of the poster presentation coursework is to provide and equip you with the knowledge and skills required to communicate your research orally to peers and lecturers.

This guide will provide you with information on how to include:
• Sufficient text to explain your topic without being too much to read.

• Useful images to engage the viewer and explain your topic visually.

• References to allow the reader to investigate more if they are interested in the topic.

Posters can be used to show how some of the general principles of physics you learn about in lectures can be applied to particular scenarios.
A selection of titles will be given to you, but you can choose your own area of interest. You MUST discuss this with your tutor before proceeding though.

1. Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this coursework students will be able to:
a) Demonstrate understanding of the main ideas and methods of physics and apply these to solve problems.

b) Display knowledge of the theoretical structure of the subject and/or apply this to the techniques of experimental physics.

c) Demonstrate understanding of how physics is used in everyday life to solve practical problems.

d) Describe and explain phenomena in terms of geometrical, pictorial and mathematical models.

e) Recognise that mathematical models can be used to investigate physical events and distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, giving physical examples.

HoAS Approved 06/05/2021 HoC (if any concerns) EE Approved

f) Demonstrate understanding of the main laws governing motion, principles of static equilibrium and/or the main ideas of electricity and electronics.

g) Apply knowledge and understanding of the laws governing motion, principles of static equilibrium and/or ideas of electricity and electronics to theoretical and practical problems.

h) Demonstrate numeracy skills through practical measuring and problem solving.

i) Demonstrate literacy and language skills in writing laboratory reports and/or the use of specialist language.

j) k) Develop independent research and/or study skills to successfully complete laboratory report-writing and/or revision and preparation for summative exams.

k) 2 Overview Scientific posters are a common method for presenting information. Two typical examples of their use are as displays for summarizing information on a topic and at scientific conferences for summarising some research carried out. In this guide, we will look at using posters to summarise information on a given topic. On the following pages, we:

• Explain how to design and prepare your poster.

• Provide a worksheet for you to prepare your own poster.

• Provide a sample template for preparing your poster. • Explain how to give a good oral presentation.

• Explain what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

3 What is the purpose of a poster?

In the case of this guide, we will be considering posters being presented to your peers in an IFY course, as well as your lecturers who may be assessing you. Therefore your poster should aim to present a concise summary of your chosen topic in an interesting and informative manner. This should include:

• Sufficient text to explain your topic without being too much to read.

• Useful images to engage the viewer and explain your topic visually.

• References to allow the reader investigate more if they are interested in the topic. Posters can be used to show how some of the general principles of physics you learn about in lectures can be applied to particular