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Critically evaluate how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process, with reference to relevant methods and models applied.

Consumer Behaviour

2020 – 2021

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.

LO2 Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the decision making process (B2C and B2B).

LO3 Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the decision making process (B2C and B2B)

Submission format

This assignment should be submitted in the form of a written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and an ideal font of 12.

You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subjections where appropriate. All work must be referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

provide a bibliography again using the Harvard referencing system.

Recommended word limit is between 3,000 and 3,500 words.

Written assignments (essays, reports etc) must be submitted through Turnitin by 17.00pm on the deadline date unless otherwise instructed.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria covered in this assignment:


LO1 Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision-making process.

P1 Explain and analyse the stages of the consumer decision-making journey for a given product/service.

P2 Explain why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decision making. M1 Evaluate how marketers are responding to the decision-making process, applying relevant concepts and models.

D1 Critically evaluate the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the decision-making process, supported by specific examples and contexts.

LO2 Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the decision-making process (B2C and B2B).

P3 Compare and contrast the key differences of the decision making process in the context of B2C and B2B, providing specific examples.

P4 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision-making process in both B2C and B2B contexts.

M2 Provide a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence decision making and buying behaviour, supported by specific examples.

LO3 Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the decision-making process (B2C and B2B).

P5 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the decision-making process of B2C and B2B, giving specific examples.

M3 Critically evaluate how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process, with reference to relevant methods and models applied.

Assignment Brief :

You work for a marketing consultancy as a researcher. In order to help the consultancy gain an insight into customer buying behaviour, you have been given the task of writing a report to provide an analysis of how and why a consumer makes the decision to purchase a product or service. In order to clarify the process, you have been asked to select a particular B2C product or service category and map its path to purchase.

The report should contain the following:

1. An introduction to the task and overview of the product/service category selected.

2. An explanation of the decision making process and analyse the stages of the progression (five stage process and levels of consumer decision making) and then apply to your product/service (P1)

3. An explanation of the importance for marketers to map a path to purchase in order to understand consumer buying behaviour and decision-making and how they RESPOND to this process (P2).

4. An evaluation of how marketers respond to the decision making process, applying relevant concepts and models (eg Four Views, Heuristics, Marketing Mix, Technology). How do they influence consumer behaviour? Then apply to your product/service (M1)

5. A comparison of the key differences that may occur depending on whether purchase is B2C or B2B with examples. What are the similarities and key differences? (P3)

6. An explanation and evaluation of of the differing market research methods and approaches used in B2B and B2C contexts. How does this help inform the decision making process in both contexts? (P4)

7. Offer a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence decision making and buying behaviour supported by specific business examples. How do consumers make decisions? Does it depend on whether it is B2B or B2C? (M2)

8. Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the decision making process of both B2C and B2B giving specific examples (P5)

9. Following on from P5, provide a critical evaluation on how marketers influence each stage of the decision making process with reference to relevant methods and models such as social and cultural influencers to persuade consumers to buy their products. (M3).

For the Distinction criteria you need to critically evaluate all of the theories, concepts and models discussed earlier and the impact this has on the decision making process supported by specific examples. What does all this mean for consumers and marketers? How does this impact decision making process of marketers when targeting consumers? (D1)