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Evaluation: Explain your plan for determining the success of the campaign. How would you determine whether you had met the plan’s goals?

Public Relations Campaign



Attached is the assignment (sections 1-3)

Assignment Objective

The objective of the Final Project is for you to create a draft public relations campaign for the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), which is the international governing body of football (also known as soccer).

The project will require you to conduct a significant amount of outside research on FIFA and the issues surrounding it. You will work in groups that I assigned in Week 2. Please be sure to collaborate together to divide the tasks involved in project completion so that the work is equitable. The project is due this week and is based on the following criteria:

Elements of the Assignment

Paper: 10–14 pages total

Section I: Overview and Plan (from Week 3; incorporate Faculty feedback for the Final Project) (3–4 pages)

Explanation of the problem, including goal

Desired outcomes: Exposure, retention, cognition, attitude, and behavior. Behavior is the hardest thing to change.

A description of the key publics and an explanation of why you perceive them to be key publics

A brief research strategy for gathering information

One method of evaluation to determine the success of the campaign

Section II: Use of the Media in Changing Perceptions and Behaviors (Week 4) (2–3 pages; incorporate Faculty feedback for the Final Project)

Explain three key media outlets driving the public perception of FIFA, both positive and negative. Briefly describe these media sources and the messages each conveys. Explain why they are driving these messages.

Based on your plan you created in Section I, create a social media message for a social media site in order to build the image of the FIFA organization. This message should be preventive in nature and focused on the mission and vision of FIFA, not a crisis situation.

Explain why your message would be effective. In your explanation, describe the audience for the social media platform and the public relations/communications concepts behind audience acceptance of this message.

Section III: Crisis Campaign (Week 5) (3–4 pages; incorporate Faculty feedback for the Final Project)

Suggest the Coomb’s response typologies that are needed to ameliorate one aspect of the FIFA crisis and explain why you chose them.

Suggest other strategies you might use to bolster the organization’s reputation through a crisis campaign. What media sources would you contact? How (e.g., press releases, social media)?

Section IV: Conclusion (2–3 pages)

Evaluation: Explain your plan for determining the success of the campaign. How would you determine whether you had met the plan’s goals?

How would you communicate the successes and challenges of the plan and its outcomes?

References: Include all references, and format following APA 7th edition.