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Explains in depth many potential business applications from the data and interpretations with examples and professional insight.

Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Scoring Guide

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Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Scoring Guide


Describe the company background and the practical business context. Does not describe the company background or the practical business context. Partially describes the company background but does not provide the full picture of the business context.

Describes the company background and the practical business context. Thoroughly describes the company background and the practical business context using examples and details that demonstrate exemplary understanding. Interpret the four different graphical representations of data.

Does not interpret the four different graphical representations of data.

Describes the different graphical representations of data but does not demonstrate professional understanding of the graphs in context. Interprets four different graphical representations of data.

Interprets and explains thoughtfully the four different graphical representations of data in a way that indicates exceptional understanding of the strategies and includes examples from the field. Interpret the descriptive statistics for two variables.

Does not interpret the descriptive statistics for two variables. Interprets at least one descriptive statistic for variables but does not convey professional understanding of the graphs in context. Interprets descriptive statistics for two variables.

Interprets and thoughtfully explains the descriptive statistics for two variables in a way that demonstrates exceptional understanding of the calculations.

Explain the potential business applications from the data and interpretations.

Does not explain the potential business applications from the data and interpretations

Partially explains the potential business applications from the data and interpretations.

Explain the potential business applications from the data and interpretations.

Explains in depth many potential business applications from the data and interpretations with examples and professional insight.

Format citations and references correctly, using current APA style.

Does not format citations and references using APA style. Formats citations and references with errors in APA style.

Formats citations and references correctly, using current APA style.

Formats citations and references flawlessly in current APA style. Present content clearly, professionally, and logically for the identified audience. Does not present content clearly, professionally, or logically for the identified audience.

Presents content with some flaws in organization or clarity that affect professional delivery for the identified audience.

Presents content clearly, professionally, and logically for the identified audience.

Presents content with exceptional clarity, organization, professionalism, and appropriateness for the identified audience.