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Demonstrates rigor in the discussion of the topic and the information/statistics/academic references included.

Read these requirements carefully before you commence the assignment and then again when you have completed the assignment so to ensure that it meets the requirements.

In this individual assignment you are required to choose and discuss ONE social media topic among three timely social media topics.

1 Value and due dates The Social Media Post accounts for 5% of your overall course mark. It consists of One (1) Social Media Post of 500 words about one of the topics described in section 2 of this document, to be submitted on the course’s Blog

The Social Media Post includes your discussion of the topic (worth 4% of your overall course mark) along with your comments on THREE posts of other INFS5730 students (worth 1% of your overall course mark) totalling 5% of your overall course mark.

2 Requirements The goal of the social media posts is to encourage students to discuss a timely social media post and comment on each other’s answers to learn from each other and enrich the discussion on the Blog. This reflects students’ engagement on social media. Your posts should include up to 500 words each (+10% leeway) and include in text references and examples based on your own experience to support and justify your arguments. You can also include additional media (images, videos, documents, links) you might find relevant to the discussion. The topics for the Social Media Posts are as follows:

• Topic 1 for Social Media Post

AI powered chatbots are taking over social media conversations. What do you think of its benefits and potential risks?

• Topic 2 for Social Media Post

Virtual Reality is believed to be the next stage of Social Media marketing.

What do you think of its contribution to improve customer experience on social media?

• Topic 3 for Social Media Post

• Virtual Influencers are taking over social media. How does that benefit brands and what would be its impact on real social media influencers?

5.1 Lodgment

• The Social Media Post requires online submission on the course’s Blog (INFS5730 Blog). Please check the link to the course’s Blog on Moodle under the section ‘Individual Assignment’.

5.2 Late Lodgement & Extensions Late assignments (without approved extensions) will attract a penalty of 10% of the available marks per day of lateness (including weekends and public holidays). The penalty will be deducted from the mark your assignment is awarded. Please note: Extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. You will be required to substantiate your application with appropriate documentary evidence such as medical certificates, accident reports etc.
The submission on the course’ Blog includes the submission of your discussion of the topic and your comments on other THREE students’ answers.

• You should note that extensions are not usually granted for computer-related problems or heavy workloads (at either your job or University).

• All applications for extension should be made to the Lecturer by email within 3 days of the submission date.
5.3 Formatting Requirements

• For the Social Media Posts, you should be creative – just make sure they are readable. Please ensure that any materials shared are up to date, with clear resolution. 5.4 Word Limit

• The word limit for the social media post is 500 words limit (+10% leeway).

5.5 Penalties In addition to penalties due to late assignments, other penalties may also apply in the following circumstances:

• The assignment contains spelling and grammatical mistakes (penalty of 5% of the available marks)

• The assignment contains material which is not properly cited in accordance with University policy (penalty of 5% of the available marks

• The assignment contains content that is defamatory, disrespectful, inappropriate, or discriminatory or could cause upset, embarrassment or offense to others.

6 Plagiarism Plagiarism is not acceptable. The originality of the submission will be checked by the teaching team. If you detect any plagiarism case in the class, please report to the lecturer.

You should also note that plagiarism or other academic misconduct will not be tolerated, and all instances detected will be pursued. At a minimum this typically entails the student being awarded zero (0) marks for the plagiarized assignment.

7 Marking Criteria The aim of this individual assignment is to develop further your critical thinking and writing skills. The assignment requires you to discuss a timely social media topic and illustrate your understanding of the topic by making well-founded arguments supported with references from accurate journal articles and great examples from your own experience.

In this individual assignment, you should demonstrate your ability to think out of the box, critically discuss the topic and come up with creative ideas. The individual production should therefore be analytical rather than descriptive.
Marks will be awarded for using course material rather than reproducing it.

Each part will be marked on the extent to which that part answers the question pertaining to that part and supports that answer with sound logic and relevant references to the supporting materials. The marker will also consider extent to which the answer demonstrates a clear understanding of the concepts involved in the topic, an appreciation of the context of the question, providing original insights into the question.

The quality of performance and timely completion and submission to the course’ Blog will result in full credit for these activities and will be added to compute this portion of your final mark.

Some criteria that will be considered in the marking:

• Demonstrates rigor in the discussion of the topic and the information/statistics/academic references included.

• Presents creative and well-founded arguments

• Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the concepts

• Provides the critical thinking/analysis in a structured and organized manner

• Portrays the opinion of the author

• Makes use of relevant academic articles, report, literature, and/or resources on subject