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Create a Word document and place your name, date, and course name on the first page. Label it: last name, WR Evaluation.

The American West: Website Review

For Webliography – Here is a listing of some of the best research facilities for the study of the American West. Many have digital primary sources. PICK ONLY ONE.
Library of Congress – Teaching with Primary Resources
The Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico
The William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies
The Charles Redd Center at Brigham Young University
The Department of History, University of Wyoming
Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody, WY
Cesar E. Chavez Department of Chicano/a Studies, UCLA
The American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
The Indigenous Studies Program, Yale University
The American West Center, University of Utah
J. Willard Marriot Library, University of Utah
Mandeville Special Collections, Geisel Library
Archives and Rare Books Library, University of Cincinnati
Arizona Collection, Arizona State University
Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, AZ
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Billie Jane Baguley Library and Archives, Heard Museum, Phoenix, AZ

Colorado Plateau Digital Archives and Special Collections, Northern Arizona University
Labriola National American Indian Data Center, Arizona State University
Special Collections Library, University of Arizona
Yale Collection of Western Americana, Yale University

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.

PROJECT TWO: Website Review – 10 points;


Follow the instructions carefully. Students are required to select one web resource from the Internet, describe its contents, and then write an evaluation according to the criteria below.

• Read the instructions.
• Select ONE web resource.

• Create a Word document and place your name, date, and course name on the first page. Label it: last name, WR Evaluation.

Place it in your Assignment folder when completed.

• After writing a description of the web resource, answer these questions according to the criteria for evaluation web resources.

• Suggestion: Copy the questions and then write out the answer to each one in italics.


Criterion #1: Authority

• Is it clear who is sponsoring the creation and maintenance of the web resource?

• Is there information available describing the purpose of the sponsoring organization?

• Is there a way to verifying the legitimacy of the web resource’s sponsor? For instance, are phone numbers, street and e-mail addresses available to contact for more information?

• Is it clear who developed and wrote the material? Are his/her qualifications for writing on this topic clearly stated? Is there contact information for the author of the material?

• What is the copyright information? Make certain to include it in all web resource references.
Criterion #2: Accuracy

• Are the sources for factual information given so they can be verified?

• Is it clear who has the responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented?

• If statistical data is presented in graphs or charts, are they labeled clearly?

• Are there errors you can substantiate in the data presented?

• Is the web resource safe to use?

• Does the web site lead you to unsafe links?

Criterion #3: Objectivity

• Is the web resource and the information included offered as a public service?

• Is it free of advertising?

• Is it free to use? Some sites, for example genealogy search sites charge a fee.

• If there is advertising on the web resource, is it clearly separated from the informational content? [Note: do not use web resources that advertise.]

• Are there any other signs of bias? For example, if using a privately-funded web resource what are the funding sources (a conservative or liberal political organization, a religious institution, an anti-scientific cause)?

Criterion #4: Currency

• Are there dates on the web resource to indicate the following:
• When the information was written?
• When the web site was first placed on line?
• When the web site (and all the information) was last revised or edited?

• Are there any other indications that the material is updated frequently to ensure currency of the data?

• Are the links on the web resource up-to-date and do these links adhere to the criteria noted in this exercise?

Criterion #5: Coverage

• Is there an indication that the web resource has been completed and is not still under construction?

• If the material is from a work that is out of copyright (as is often the case with a dictionary or thesaurus), has there been an effort to update the material to make it more current?

• Are there any other signs of omissions?

• Does it cover the subject adequately
Rubric for Web Resource Evaluation Project
The grading scale based upon 10 possible points is: A=10-9; B=8;

C=7; D=6; F=5 or below.

To earn an A or 10-9 points: Student wrote a clear description of the web resource and answered all five of the evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. Sentences are well constructed. Spelling and grammar are excellent.

To earn a B or 8 points: Student wrote a description of the web resource, but left out some details. He/she answered four out of the five evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. For the most part, sentences are well constructed. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors.

To earn a C or 7 points: Student wrote a fair description of the web resource, but left out important details. He/she answered three out of the five evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. Sentences are often unclear. Grammar and spelling need improvement.

To earn a D or 6 points: Student’s description of the web resource is unclear. He/she answered two out of the five evaluation criteria. There are numerous errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

To earn a F or 5 points or below: Student failed to write a description of the web resource. He/she answered one out of the five evaluation criteria. There are considerable errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

No late papers will be accepted unless there is an extreme emergency and proper documentation is provided.