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Critically appraise key leadership and management skills in the management of projects and teams through the through the project lifecycle.



• Understand the context of projects, project management methodologies and the concepts of scope, quality, risk, time and cost in project management.

• Be able to apply project management techniques to construct project plans and Gantt charts

• Create a project as part of a group of students

• Analyse one or more detailed elements (usually scope, quality, risk, =me or cost)

• Evaluate own contribution to student project

Critically appraise key leadership and management skills in the management of projects and teams through the through the project lifecycle.

These Learning outcomes can alternatively be seen at a Strategic, Practical and Tactical, and Personal levels:

1. How to apply the nature and stage of the project lifecycle to organisations

2. The value of specific project techniques to a company’s strategy

3. An appreciation of the need to deliver projects to time, to budget and to quality


• Burke, R. (2013) Project Management, 5th Edition, Chichester, Wiley.

• Wysocki, R.K. (2014) Effec1ve Project Management, 7th Edition, Indianapolis, IN, Wiley.

• Both of these texts can be found in the library in electronic format.

Individual Assessment 1: Practical and Critical Refection
The first of the individual assignments (Individual Assignment 1) you will have be given a ’technical’ type task. For example, calculating a critical path, creating a Gantt chart and resource profile etc. And a critical refection written piece

Part 1

Using the table and template below, you are required to produce three (3) project management report charts:

1. A network analysis diagram

2. A gantt chart

3. A resource histogram