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Consider developing the plan based on either international tourists in general or towards a specific target market for tourism to Australia.


Destination Development Plan
Assignment Task

You work as an international consultant for a Destination Management Organisation. You have been instructed to prepare a strategic development plan for Tourism Australia, which should evaluate the image and performance of the destination, to include recommendations on how to create future success. You should examine destination management theory, concepts and models and show how these can be applied within the plan.

You should also analyse the impact of the proposed plan on stakeholders at the destination. You choose to prepare the development plan for the whole country or you can focus on one particular region, for example Victoria, or select a city that attracts international tourists, such as Perth, Melbourne or Sydney.
Your Destination Development Plan must contain the following three sections:

1. Rationale and Justification:

This initial section should set the scene for your plan and outline your main objectives for the plan together with an outline of your main strategy. This could include information on your target markets and what you hope to achieve once the plan has been implemented. You should demonstrate understanding of the operational and strategic planning challenges faced by your chosen destination by reviewing aspects such as the success of marketing campaigns and visitation statistics, to assist you in identifying a suitable strategy for your destination development plan

Consider developing the plan based on either international tourists in general or towards a specific target market for tourism to Australia.

Also consider the focus of your plan. For example, options include basing your plan on a specific product such as heritage, nature, sports, adventure or business tourism. You could include a SWOT and PEST analysis of your destination which can assist you in developing key objectives. (1000 WORDS)

2. Implementation

In this section, you should research widely using a range of academic and industry sources to enable you to examine destination management theory, concepts and models and show how these can be applied within the plan. You should also analyse the impact of the proposed plan on stakeholders at the destination. This section should also contain some practical elements, including considering the following points:

• You should include discussion on the roles of stakeholders and who will be responsible for certain parts of the implementation. For example, there may be specific responsibility for business / convention tourism or public relations.

• Activities and programmes that the destination could develop, related to the overall objectives.

• Once the activities and programmes have been developed, you need to consider details of the TYPES of costs that could be incurred. You don’t need to estimate the actual costs.

• An estimated timetable or schedule for implementation of your plan. This should be shown as a month by month timetable of activities and could be developed using Excel or a similar application.
(2000 WORDS)

3. Control and Evaluation

The final section of the plan should focus on how the plan will be controlled and evaluated. Some of the questions you could ask here include: How will you know if certain events and activities have been successful? How could you obtain feedback from businesses on the supply side as well as the demand side of the destination product? How will you monitor progress? This section should also conclude the plan by recommending how the plan could be further developed in the future.
(1000 WORDS)


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Page, S., 2011. Tourism Management: An Introduction. 4th edition. Amsterdam: Routledge.

Weaver, D. B., 2006. Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. Amsterdam: Routledge.

Novelli, M., 2005. Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues, Trends and Cases. Oxford: Routledge.

Yeoman, I. and Yu, R. L., 2012. 2050 Tomorrow’s Tourism. London: Channel View Publications.

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United Nations World Tourism Organization, 2007. A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management. Madrid: UNWTO Publications. Available from:

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Industry sources, such as the following, will also be useful:

Destinet. Destination Management and Good Governance. Saarbruken: Destinet. Available from

Tourism Australia. Corporate Website. Sydney: Tourism Australia. Available from:

Tourism Research Australia. Welcome to Tourism Research Australia. Canberra: Australian Government. Available from:

World Travel and Tourism Council. Country Reports. London: WTTC. Available from:

Australian Regional Tourism Network, (no date). The Guide to Best Practice Destination Management. Tourism Australia. Australian Government

Destination Marketing Association International, 2014. Destination NEXT: A Strategic Road Map for the Next Generation of Global Destination Marketing: Phase 1. DMAI. 22 July 2014.

Yeoman, I. and Yu, R. L., 2012. 2050 Tomorrow’s Tourism. London: Channel View Publications.…