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Describe the advantages and disadvantages for an organization using a research-based approach to problem solving.

Answer the 2 following assignment post in bold underlined below.

A. Compose your answer in approximately minimum of 1 paragraph (200 words or more, 5-6 sentences) in EACH post.

B. You are required to use 2 outside peer-reviewed resources with each post, with in text citations and references attached per post. Sources must be reputable and reliable. References must be published within the last 5-10 years.


Describe the advantages and disadvantages for an organization using a research-based approach to problem solving.


Compare and differentiate between a qualitative and quantitative research model.

Excerpts from class book:

-Quantitative studies: usually involve concepts that are well developed and for which methods of measurement have been or can be developed.

-Qualitative studies: are undertaken because a researcher wants to develop a rich, context-bound understanding of a poorly understood phenomenon.