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Using material learned on this module, what would you recommend and why? Write a report detailing your recommendations.

Admissions to Marriage and Family Therapy Program

Component 2 – Report 2000 words – 80% of overall mark

The CEO of a small independent charity focusing on youth work has contacted you. After many years of success and holding a well-deserved reputation for creative and professional services, there has recently been some ongoing negative feedback from clients concerning the quality of some of the activities and programmes and the attitude and organisational skills of some of the staff. This reflects the CEO’s concerns about some disillusionment and disengagement from the staff team, with turnover of staff and absenteeism becoming an increasing problem. You have been asked by the CEO to make some recommendations for a 3 month improvement programme to develop the staff team.

Using material learned on this module, what would you recommend and why? Write a report detailing your recommendations. This should include:

1. Introduction and rationale (approx 650 words)
i) your understanding of the situation,
ii) what the main issues are likely to be and
iii) relevant evidence drawn from your research, reading and your experiences

2. Activities (approx 650 words)

What would you do over a three month period based on your rationale?
What stages might there be?

3. Potential risks/challenges that may need to be considered (approx 350 words)

Consider some of the potential difficulties associated with this programme and how you would plan to overcome them.

4. Plan of action (approx 350 words)

This might include a timeline of activities, costs, resources and any final conclusions/comments.

Report style:

Easily identifiable sections, well presented and evidenced, but your language should not be too complex and research evidence should be succinct and carefully chosen for relevance. The CEO and her leadership team will be busy experts in their field but not business psychologists, so will appreciate clarity.