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Explain any potential barriers or risks to successful completion of the plan, including reference to ethical guidelines.

Extended Independent Academic Study

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: (all must be met to Pass) Assessed by:

1. Be able to select and define an academic Study/Project which is relevant to their progression within Business Studies.

1.1. Identify and justify the choice of a study topic.

1.2. Produce a clearly defined project aim related to the chosen topic.

2. Be able to plan and design the selected/agreed academic
Study/Project within the area of Business Studies.

2.1 Plan each stage of the Study/Project and include:
– A Research Proposal
– A literature review or annotated bibliography A concise statement of methodology
– A realistic timetable for completion

2.2 Explain and justify planned research in terms of validity, accuracy and reliability.

2.3 Explain any potential barriers or risks to successful completion of the plan, including reference to ethical guidelines.

2.4 Evaluate the Plan at each stage and make amendments where necessary.

3. Be able to undertake, develop and refine research for the selected/agreed Study/Project within the area of Business Studies.

3.1 Distinguish and apply relevant information from selected / appropriate resources to develop investigation / study.

3.2 Produce a detailed review of any secondary resources relevant to the research, explaining and analysing their relevance to the research task.

3.3 Evaluate primary and / or secondary resources used / selected.

4. Be able to interpret and organise information gathered from research in an appropriate format.

4.1 Apply accurate, detailed and relevant knowledge of the chosen study topic in developing a coherent independent research Study/Project.

4.2 Demonstrate consistent application of relevant academic conventions, including accurate referencing and use of appropriate academic writing and ‘voice’.

4.3 Explain and justify relevant conclusions based on academic knowledge and evidence.

5. Be able to evaluate the investigative / methodological process and its findings.

5.1 Evaluate the Study/Project in its entirety, discussing strengths and weaknesses.

5.2 Summarise and justify appropriate improvements or modifications to the Study/Project.

6. Understand how to apply academic theory to the Study/Project autonomously within their chosen subject area

6.1 Critically apply academic skills and knowledge developed from independent research and integrate this appropriately within the context of the independent research / study.

6.2 Evidence a high level of autonomy in drawing conclusions in relation to the academic research / study (both in the body of the academic project  and also in evaluating said research methodology within for example a project log).

7. Know how to present research and engage in academic dialogue

7.1 Produce an appropriate format and plan to present the completed research task relevant to the intended target group.

7.2 Implement the planned presentation format for the completed task showing:

a) an understanding of the needs of the target group

b) an accurate grasp of the subject material

7.3 Demonstrate the ability to respond effectively to feedback in relation to the presentation of work in terms of the given format

7.4 Assess the actual presentation format and reflect upon feedback from tutors / peers.

Project Proposal

Project Proposal
Literature Review

Supervisor report




Critical Evaluation

Project presentation Project Supervisor report