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Discuss the selection of judges in Texas. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the practice of electing judges? What are the strengths and weakness of the practice of appointing judges?

Paper #3- The Texas Legislature, Executive, Judiciary
Government 2306
Texas Government

Compose complete paragraphs and sentences for each set of numbered questions. Answer all of the questions. Number your answers accordingly.

• Answer all six of the numbered questions separately

o Answer each set of questions with a paragraph or two.
o Put the corresponding number next to each of your answers.
o write two pages
o double-spaced
o 12 pt. font
o one-inch margins

These are short essay questions.

1. How important are parties in structuring the voting in the Texas Legislature today, and how does this compare to the past? What accounts for any changes that may have occurred?

2. Discuss the governor’s informal powers. What are informal powers?

3. What are the governor’s informal powers? How do the informal powers help the governor?

4. Elected executives in the federal government almost never express significantly different opinions on policy proposals and find themselves in conflict with one another, whereas in Texas this is common. Why is this?

5. Discuss the selection of judges in Texas. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the practice of electing judges? What are the strengths and weakness of the practice of appointing judges?

6. In civil cases in Texas, supposedly frivolous lawsuits are a common point of debate. Discuss the perspectives for and against allowing plaintiffs the right to proceed in civil court and what rules regulate such cases.