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What is the role of cultural competence in the study of life span? What are some challenges faced in the study of human development?

Resources: Psychoanalytic Drivers of Human Development

Introduction What are the factors that affect someone’s development? Does nurture outweigh nature across our life span in terms of who we become? How long is the developmental process? The resources provided in this module will help to answer these questions by introducing the concepts of physical development, cognitive development, and psychosocial development.

Required Resources

Textbook: L i f e – S p a n H u m a n D e v e l o p m e n t , Chapters 1, 2.1–2.2, 4.1–4.2, and 5.1
As you read, consider the following:

Chapter 1

What is the role of cultural competence in the study of life span? What are some challenges faced in the study of human development?

Chapter 2.1–2.2

Is development primarily a function of nature? What are Erikson’s eight psychosocial stages of development?

Chapter 4.1–4.2

What is the signicance of environmental factors in prenatal development? What are the major brain changes that occur in prenatal development?
PSY-211-T6787 Lifespan Development 21EW6 EC

Chapter 5.1

What are the principles of physical growth? What role do the endocrine and nervous systems play in our development?

Reading: Culture, Peer Interaction, and Socioemotional Development ( direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2012-03765-005&site=eds-live&scope=site) This Shapiro Library reference will be used for the Module One discussion about being active in your development. The focus of this reading is peer interaction and the role it plays in socioemotional development.

As you read, consider the following:

What is the impact of culture on socioemotional development? How are individuals active in their own development?

Reading: Epigenetics: What Is Epigenetics? ( This article provides you with a basic understanding of what epigenetics is and how the science and research in this eld contribute to our understanding of development.

As you read, consider the following:

Why is it important to study epigenetics? Can the study of epigenetics better help us understand aspects of cognitive development?

Video: Epigenetics and the Inuence of Our Genes ( v=JTBg6hqeuTg& (18:40) For this TEDx Talk, Courtney Grifn discusses her work as a geneticist and how the study of twins has had a profound impact on the study of development from the perspective of nature and nurture.
As you watch, consider the following:
What are some examples of what we can do to positively inuence our epigenome? What is the role of our environment in our development?

Additional Support (Optional)

Website: Famous Psychologists ( This website is a searchable list of famous psychologists. You can look for any psychologist you like    
(keeping in mind that only the most signicant psychologists are listed). For each psychologist, there is a brief biography, as well as summaries of their professional work and key theories and research.

For this module, we have selected Maria Montessori, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Karen Horney to highlight. For additional information on their contributions to theory and development, you are encouraged to use this resource to learn all about their lives in science.

Video: Maria Montessori: Learn About Her Teachings, Life, and Lasting Legacy ( (3:49) This video provides an additional spotlight on Maria Montessori.

As you watch, consider the following:

How does Montessori dene teaching? How is Montessori theory signicant to developmental theory?
A captioned version is available: Maria Montessori: Learn About Her Teachings, Life, and Lasting Legacy (CC) (

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Maria Montessori Learn About Her Teachings, Life, and Lasting Legacy (course_documents/PSY%20211%20Transcript%20for%20Maria%20Montessori%20Learn%20A bout%20Her%20Teachings%2c%20Life%2c%20and%20Lasting%20Legacy.docx? _&d2lSessionVal=kdTzH0cWgRQZFqH59YklDWEsM&ou=790090)

Video: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts, Motivation, Personality, and Development ( (2:37) This video highlights the signicance of Freud’s work and how it has inuenced our modern understanding of development.

As you watch, consider the following:

What is the role of the unconscious mind in human behavior? What are the three parts of Freud’s personality theory?
A captioned version is available: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts, Motivation, Personality, and Development (CC) (

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts, Motivation, Personality, and Development (course_documents/PSY%20211%20Transcript%20for%20Freuds%20Psychoanalytic%20Theory %20on%20Instincts%2c%20Motivation%2c%20Personality%2c%20and%20Development.docx? _&d2lSessionVal=kdTzH0cWgRQZFqH59YklDWEsM&ou=790090)
Video: 8 Stages of Development by Erik Erikson ( v=aYCBdZLCDBQ) (5:19)       
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This video outlines Erikson’s eight stages of development.
As you watch, consider the following:

What are the specic tasks encountered at each stage? What factors inuence our behavior and learning throughout our life span?

Video: Healing Illness With the Subconscious Mind ( v=erpPQDSWD0k) (17:10) In this

TEDx Talk, Danna Pycher discusses the power of the subconscious.

As you watch, consider the following:

Are people made up of patterns? How does the subconscious mind impact the nervous system?