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Explain the range of websites available and discuss the advantages and problems.

Words: 637
Pages: 3
Subject: Education

EYC4010 Assignment Guidance 2020/21 BA. 1500 words

A report on the effective use of technology with children to include research into a range of resources and two planned and evaluated activities. Reference will be made to the activities and relevant curriculum frameworks to demonstrate effective use of ICT to support learning.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate a range of up to date understanding, knowledge and skills around the use of technology to support children’s learning
2. Understand the appropriate use of technology to support children’s learning
3. Evaluate ICT resources for use within early years settings and in relation to curriculum frameworks
4. Apply knowledge and understanding of technology in the early years to practice
Suggested headings (you are allowed headings because it is a report!)
✓Tell the reader what is going to be covered in your report.
✓Make sure you explain what the ‘digital age’ is and what is meant by ICT.
The importance of using ICT/digital learning to support children’s learning
Include reference to: preparation for a rapidly developing technological age and developmental/ educational benefits and Curriculum Guidance

The difficulties/ problems/disadvantages surrounding digital learning
Include reference to: safety issues (electrical and internet safety); cost; staff expertise; screen time; planning issues; children’s background experience etc.

How ICT /digital learning should be used to support children’s learning (
Refer to the role of the EY practitioner and the following points:
✓Embedded across 7 areas of learning
✓3 characteristics of effective learning
✓Support learning/curriculum
✓Scaffold children’s learning
✓Easily accessible
✓Inspiring interest, creativity and engagement
✓Planned/checked out
✓Challenging and enhancing
✓Monitor use
✓Recording progress made
✓Work/involve with parents
✓Observing, assessing and effectively planning the next steps
✓Interact/ join with the children and model ICT vocab.
✓Outdoor play
✓Meet individual interests/needs including SEN/differentiation
✓Providing positive feedback

An evaluation of a range of ICT/digital learning resources available

• Hardware

Explain the range of resources available (Sensory/visual; Communication/listening and speaking; Role play, Remote control/ programming; Digital cameras;Computer/Tablets/Whiteboard) and discuss the advantages and problems. Refer to examples from table in appendices, catalogues and activity plans.

Software including computer programs & apps

Explain the range of apps available (Music and movement; Literacy/phonics/stories and rhymes; Matching colours/shapes; Mathematics; Drawing) and discuss the advantages and problems. Refer to examples from table in appendices, app stores and activity plans.

• Online websites

Explain the range of websites available (Music and movement; Literacy/phonics/stories and rhymes; Matching colours/shapes; Mathematics; Drawing) and discuss the advantages and problems. Refer to examples from table in appendices and activity plans.


Provide a succinct summary of your findings. Emphasise the rapid changes and the impact of these on both staff and children.
References (Harvard)
Appendices (numbered and labelled)
Appendix 1: Activity plan 1 title
Appendix 2: Activity plan 2 title
Appendix 3 :An evaluation of 3 pieces of hardware which can be used by children
Appendix 4 :An evaluation of 3 apps which can be used by children
Appendix 5: An evaluation of 3 websites which can be used by children
Refer to documents in your appendices throughout your text under each heading
e.g. Examples:
• (see appendix 1, remote control car activity plan 1). This activity highlights …
• (see appendix 3, evaluation of a range of hardware). This table highlights…
• (see appendix 2, ‘Phonic Street’ app activity plan 1). This activity plan demonstrates how …
• (see appendix 4, evaluation of a range of apps). This table includes …
• (see appendix 5, evaluation of a range of online resources). The table highlights …


✓Use plenty of citations including at least 1 from an academic journal (lots of resources on Moodle) to show that you have read around the topic and are truly up-to-date.
✓If you only work (or are on placement) with school age children (N.C., DfE, 2014), you still need to make reference to the needs of younger ones (EYFS, DfE, 2017 and DfE, 2020).