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Analyse the key concepts associated to equality and diversity and analyse the importance of them in terms of access to employment.

Equality, Diversity and Fair Treatment

Purpose of this assessment

This assessment is designed to enable learners to explore the legislative provision for protecting public service workers against discrimination and to understand the role trade unions play in this process.


In 2017, a BBC experiment found that a job seeker with an English-sounding name was offered three times the number of interviews than an applicant with a Muslim name. In response to 100 job opportunities, two CVs from two candidates, “Adam” and “Mohamed”, were sent to potential employers. Both CVs had identical skills and experience. Adam was offered 12 interviews, while Mohamed was offered four. Later on, the two CVs were uploaded to four job sites. Adam was contacted by four recruiters, but Mohamed only two. Similar findings were revealed by research conducted by the University of Bristol. The findings indicate that Muslim men are 76% less likely to be employed than their white Christian counterparts.

According to the Equality Act 2010, the following characteristics are protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

You are a newly appointed UNISON representative, representing employees / colleagues at the public service organisation of your choice(I chose Police). Choosing one protected characteristic(I chose Race) you must assess the effectiveness of your organisation’s ( Police) policies regarding equality, diversity and fair treatment in order to understand how your members can benefit from this.

Task 1

In your role with UNISON, you are required to submit a report which includes the following elements:

1- Analyse the key concepts associated to equality and diversity and analyse the importance of them in terms of access to employment.

2- Identify and analyse major equality and diversity legislation that are relevant to employment

3- Evaluate whether policies and legislation implemented have enabled an equal, diverse and fair public service.

4- Investigate the role advisory services in relation to equality, diversity and fair treatment play to diversify public service workers. Here, make a reference to relevant policy, legislation and the role of trade unions such as UNISON;

5- Argue why equality, diversity and fair treatment are crucial in the workplace and access to jobs, and the benefits this can bring to public service workers.

Remember, it is important that you choose one protected characteristic (Race) and apply it to the 5 elements of the assignment brief set above.

This provides evidence for all learning outcomes
Word count: 2,000 (+ / – 10%)