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Describe the methods you will use for measuring work outcomes and progress against the project plan.

Words: 3173
Pages: 12
Subject: Management

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Assessment Task 1 – Short Answer Questions
Task Description
For this assessment you are required to provide written answers to questions based on:
• John Readings (Case Study)
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Submit your Assessment
Short answer questions
Managing Project Scope
Written Report

NOTE: Ensure you keep a copy of this completed assessment for future use.
This task is to be completed in your own time and once you have completed the program of learning for this unit. The answers and all relevant documents must all be submitted for assessment.
It is recommended that you create an assessment folder for all of the documents required for this assessment. When saving files be sure to clearly identify the related task for example:
• Assessment_Task_1_Short_answer_questions
You must answer all questions correctly to demonstrate knowledge performance and/or complete all tasks satisfactorily to demonstrate task application.

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Scenario: John Readings Pty. Ltd. Re-design Bookstore Café
John Readings is an Australian book publisher, distributer and retail business with stores located throughout Australia and New Zealand and a large online business. At present a total of ten retail outlets located in state capitals contain Cafes. As part of the company’s future development plans all retail outlets will soon have Cafes located within them. However, before this can happen, the current Café design for the ten retail outlets need to be refreshed and upgraded. The upgrade includes a fresh new menu, new furniture and layout design as well as a play area for children.
You were successful in your application for the Project Manager role and have just had confirmation from Damian Black CEO that the project steering committee will include the Procurement Director, Marketing Director, the Director of Finance and the Café Operations Manager. The project is now ready to commence.
An architect has been contracted to design the new look and feel and this has been approved by the steering committee.
The architect and building contractor have provided costing estimates on which the project budget is being based. They have advised, in order to minimise business disruption, the order of works will be:
Stage 1 – Two days (no business disruption)
– Playground fit out and flooring – Fencing and shade sail installation – Landscaping and new outdoor furniture
Stage 2 – Two days (café closure)
– Removal of booths – Repainting of café dining area interior – Laying of floating floor over existing tiled floor café dining area only – New dining furniture and artwork

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The Procurement Director has identified preferred suppliers for furniture and fit outs including the playgrounds.
Damian Black, CEO has advised the following:
• It is assumed the marketing staff will contribute to the project, helping with the
branding and other promotional items as required. The existing team is able to
fully participate in training where required. • It is assumed construction can take place simultaneously with other project
deliverables. • Constraints – budget and time are sufficient for the project, all products
purchased for the café and playground will meet with the organisational quality
standards and safety standards. Only approved preferred suppliers will supply
equipment and furniture. • The project is dependent on external dependencies, which involves
consultation with the architect, building contractor and consultant chef. • Building contractor was chosen based on his assurance that café shutdown
times would be minimised to two days and the trade of the attached bookstore
would be able to continue. • Kitchen modifications, equipment and fit out work will not be included in the
project and any requirements will need to be drawn from the operational
budget for repairs/maintenance/equipment.
You have a budget of $200,000 per store and the project is scheduled to commence on 10/01/2021 and be completed by 10/05/2021 and your first task as project manager is to manage the project scope.

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Task 1 Specifications
You must submit:
● Identification of components of project scope management plan
● Three factors potentially impacting scope and minimisation strategies for each
● Change process
● Methods for measuring work outcomes and progress
● WBS process
● Project manager role and responsibilities document
● Project authorisation procedure
● Template issues register

1. Based on the case study information, identify the components of the project scope management plan.

2. Based on your understanding of the requirements, identify three factors which could impact on the project scope. For each factor outline how you could manage the potential impact.

3. The committee has asked you to develop a process for managing and controlling change to the project scope. Outline your process and identify the key stakeholders who should be communicated with and how change will be reported to the steering committee.

4. Describe the methods you will use for measuring work outcomes and progress against the project plan.

5. In preparation of assembling your project team, develop a process for the creation and the maintaining of the projects work breakdown structure.

6. Provide a one page document for approval of the steering committee which outlines your role and responsibilities as a project manager on this project.

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7. Damian Black, CEO has asked you to draft a project authorisation procedure for John Readings.
8. Create a template issues register for use during the project.
Now that you have completed your first assessment task, save your work and continue on with Assessment Task 2.

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Assessment Task 2 – Managing project scope
Task Description
For this assessment you are required to conduct project authorisation activities, define project scope and manage project scope control processes for either:
• John Readings (Case Study) or • Your approved workplace project
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Submit your Assessment
Short answer questions
Managing Project Scope
Written Report
NOTE: The work you complete for this assessment task provides the basis for Assessment Task 3. Ensure you keep a hard copy of this completed assessment for future use.
This task is to be completed in your own time and once you have completed the program of learning for this unit. The answers and all relevant documents must all be submitted for assessment.
It is recommended that you create an assessment folder for all of the documents required for this assessment. When saving files be sure to clearly identify the related task for example:
• Assessment_Task_2_ Managing project scope
You must answer all questions correctly to demonstrate knowledge performance and/or complete all tasks satisfactorily to demonstrate task application.

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Task 2 Specifications
You must submit:
● Email to steering committee
● Meeting agenda
● Video and consent form, participant evaluation forms and self-evaluation form (workplace only)
● Simulation with Assessor (case study only)
● Meeting minutes
● Scope management plan for the project
● Meeting agenda
● Video and consent form, participant evaluation forms and self-evaluation form (workplace only)
● Simulation with Assessor (case study only)
● Email to project sponsor
● Email to Finance Manager
● Updated Project Issue Register
● Email to all stakeholders
NOTE: There are THREE parts to be completed in this assessment task.

Part A Conduct project authorisation activities

1. Draft an email to the steering committee members outlining the new project authorisation procedures you have developed. If using your workplace provide a copy of emails or meeting minutes which demonstrates that you have used your

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organisations project authorisation procedure to seek approval for a project you have worked on.

2. Prepare a meeting agenda to be circulated to the steering committee and external contractors (architect, building contractor, consultant chef) for the project kick off meeting. A meeting agenda template is located here.
3. Once you have completed the agenda, you will need to:
a. Workplace: Organise to video a project kick off meeting as you conduct it (save video of your meeting in format) – ensure that your video demonstrates that you are communicating and interacting with others and will cover the requirements as below. You will also need to submit the meeting minutes for your meeting.

The meeting will need to address the same criteria established below for the case study simulation. Provide all information based on your workplace project in-line with the questions listed.
Once you have had this meeting you will need to submit the meeting minutes and video as evidence along with the completed consent form, participant evaluation forms and self-evaluation form.

If providing a video, it will be securely retained for assessment purposes only.
Your video and additional documents must comply with the Step by Step Video recording procedure available here.


b. Case Study: Book an appointment with your Assessor to undertake a project kick off meeting (as a role play) with your stakeholders.
For both options:

Once you have had this meeting you will need to submit the meeting minutes.
Review the Assessor Observation Report to ensure that you understand and address all of the criteria listed. The Assessor will complete the Observation Report to confirm the skills and knowledge being demonstrated.

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Ensure that you address all criteria listed below and that your responses are clear, detailed and reflect the appropriate tone and vocabulary for the context.

Your simulation or video must be 30 minutes in duration.

During this role play your assessor will ask the following questions:
a. Can you run us through the project authorisation process you have developed?
b. What is the best process to use to get authorisation to expend resources?
c. Can you confirm with us your understanding of how you will delegate and authorise activities during the project?
d. What project boundaries have you identified? How will you document these?
e. I think we are at risk of scope creep in regard to kitchen fit out, which is not included in this project. How will you manage this?
f. I think that some of the existing book café’s will need additional kitchen appliances to deliver the new menu, what are we going to do about that?

g. There are bound to be issues during a project of this size, how are we going to document these?
h. How are we going to manage scope changes during the life of the project?
Your assessor will also confirm your ability collaborate with others to achieve desired outcomes during the video/simulation by:
i. Negotiating with others, using clear language and appropriate non-verbal features

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j. Using of active listening and questioning to elicit views and opinions of others
When you are ready to complete this task, schedule a simulation call appointment with your Assessor using the link here.
A follow-up interview may also be required (at the discretion of the assessor).
Once you have completed your role-play, continue working through this Learner Assessment Pack.

Part B Define Project Scope

1. With the project defined you must now create the scope management plan for the project (either your approved workplace project or the case study).
Conduct research into the types of formats used for scope management plans and ensure that you address the following key points as a minimum:

a. a summary of the project
b. clear objectives and milestones
c. identification of what is included and not included within the scope of the project
d. the objectives of the project
e. how the objectives align with the organisational strategy
f. roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders
g. any other integral scope information required of a robust scope management plan.
2. Prepare a meeting agenda to be circulated to the steering committee and external contractors (architect, building contractor, consultant chef) for a project scope plan

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meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to implement the plan. A meeting agenda template is located here.
3. You will need to:

a. Workplace: Organise to video the implementation of your scope management plan to project stakeholders as you conduct it (save video of your meeting in format) – ensure that your video demonstrates that you are communicating and interacting with others and will cover the requirements as outlined below.

The meeting will need to address the same criteria established below for the case study simulation. Provide all information based on your workplace project in-line with the questions listed.

Once you have had this meeting you will need to submit the meeting minutes and video as evidence along with the completed consent form, participant evaluation forms and self-evaluation form.

If providing a video, it will be securely retained for assessment purposes only.
Your video and additional documents must comply with the Step by Step Video recording procedure available here.


b. Case Study: Book an appointment with your Assessor to undertake an observation of how you implement the scope management plan you have developed (as a role play) with your stakeholders.
For both options:
Once you have had this meeting you will need to submit the meeting minutes.
Review the Assessor Observation Report to ensure that you understand and address all of the criteria listed. The Assessor will complete the Observation Report to confirm the skills and knowledge being demonstrated.

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Ensure that you address all criteria listed below and that your responses are clear, detailed and reflect the appropriate tone and vocabulary for the context.

Your simulation or video must be 30 minutes in duration.

During this role play your assessor will ask the following questions:

a. How are we going to roll out this plan and ensure that everyone involved in the project understands our scope management procedures and processes?

b. How can we ensure our learnings from this project help us with future projects?

Your assessor will also need to observe you completing the following:

c. Negotiating effectively by using clear language and appropriate non- verbal features

d. Using active listening and questioning and applying appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating and collaborating with stakeholders

e. Obtaining confirmation and authorisation to: i. expend resources ii. implement project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements

f. Discussing the measurable project benefits, outcomes and outputs
g. Implementing the scope-management plan according to procedures
When you are ready to undertake your simulation, book with your Assessor using the link here.
A follow-up interview may also be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

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Once you have completed your role-play, continue working through this Learner Assessment Pack.

Part C Manage project scope control process

1. Write an email to the Project Sponsor to confirm project finance expenditure limits and obtain authorisation to expend resources deemed necessary for the project.

2. Write an email to the Finance Manager about the project budget. Ensure you ask questions to confirm the requirements of the project budgeting process.

3. You have received a terse email from the consultant chef who is threatening to walk away from the project. He is not happy that the project scope does not include improved kitchen appliances. Document the issues in them in the project issue register you have developed for the project.

4. You have just had a telephone call from the architect who has advised you that the fit out of the Collins Street store will exceed budget as the existing tile floor in the dining room must be removed and the concrete refinished before the floating floor can be laid. Budget costs are expected to be exceeded by $10,000, in addition, the café will be shut down for an additional 3 days. What actions will you take? Update the issue register to reflect the issues and the solutions.

5. Write an email to all stakeholders informing them of approval of the project scope which has now been received from the Project Sponsor. Your email must discuss next steps for implementing scope management and must recommend two improvements to the process.
Now that you have completed your second assessment task, save your work and continue on with Assessment Task 3.

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Assessment Task 3 – Written Report

Task Description

For this assessment you are required to document the process you conducted for:
• John Readings (Case Study) or • Your approved workplace project

Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Submit your Assessment
Short answer questions
Managing Project Scope
Written Report


Ensure you keep a copy of this completed assessment for future use.

This task is to be completed in your own time and once you have completed the program of learning for this unit. The answers and all relevant documents must all be submitted for assessment.
It is recommended that you create an assessment folder for all of the documents required for this assessment. When saving files be sure to clearly identify the related task for example:
• BSBPMG511_Assessment_Task_3_ Written Report

You must answer all questions correctly to demonstrate knowledge performance and/or complete all tasks satisfactorily to demonstrate task application.

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Task 3 Specifications
You must complete:
● Project Evaluation report
● Email to senior management

1. Write a written report titled Project Evaluation. In your report you need to outline how you have planned, prepared, conducted and followed up on your project scope management activities. The report will need to discuss each point listed below in detail. For tips on writing and presenting your report click here. Your report must include the following:

a. Conduct project authorisation activities:

i. Who is the appropriate authority in the organisation who should confirm the project scope management plan
ii. Who is the appropriate authority in the organisation who should confirm the project budget and provide authorisation to expend resources

b. Define the project scope:

i. Describe at least one problem that had to be solved during your project scoping activities, the problem-solving technique you used and why, and how this technique assisted you in solving the problem. For more information about problem solving techniques click here
ii. How you would assess your performance as project manager during the scoping process,
iii. How you will measure the benefits of the project
iv. How you will measure the outcomes and outputs of the project
v. The process you used to gain a shared understanding of the desired project outcomes with relevant stakeholders.

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c. Manage project scope control processes:
i. The process you have used to implement the agreed scope management procedures and processes
ii. How you will manage the impact of scope changes. Provide an example of each of the following potential constraints – time, cost and quality which may occur
iii. How you have reviewed the implementation of the scope management plan
iv. Your recommendations for future improvements in scope management and how these will be implemented and shared in the organisation for future projects.

2. Draft an email to be sent to the senior management team to accompany the report and outline your recommendations for future improvements.

Now that you have completed all three assessment tasks, you are ready to SUBMIT ALL your work for assessment.
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Submit your Assessment
Short answer questions
Managing Project Scope
Written Report