Industrial Bioprocess
Note that this is not an experiment. Please choose one of the following two topics and write an essay with a maximum of 2500 words or 20 pages.
Word count does not include content and title pages, tables, figures, figure captions, references and appendices.
1- Discuss the application of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) in water treatment.
The structure of this essay should be: abstract – using concise language, include the process and mention the results. Introduction: this should be about the importance of water and water treatment and why clean water is a global problem and discuss the state of the art (SOTA) regarding MOF water treatment.
Discussion: include main findings and discuss results.
Conclusion 2- explain the production and uses of dimethyl ether (DME), also discuss its use as a fuel for the future replacing current fuels. Introduction should include energy requirements and sustainability. The same structure is to be used for either topic as in: abstract-introduction-discussion-conclusion.