Video: Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy ( (2:24) In this video, Aaron Beck highlights the people and inuences that have impacted his development of theory.
As you watch, consider the following:
How are people guided by their beliefs? How do people respond to internal sensations?
A captioned version is available: Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy (CC) (
A video transcript is available: Transcript for Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy (course_documents/PSY%20211%20Transcript%20for%20Aaron%20Beck%20on%20Cognitive %20Th d ? &d2lS i V l 2 T Q8Lh HQdCfDZ78 C d & 790090) %20Therapy.docx?_&d2lSessionVal=2wTsgQ8LhyzHQdCfDZ78eCpda&ou=790090)
Video: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development ( v=IhcgYgx7aAA&t=1s) (6:55) Piaget’s theory contends that there are four stages of cognitive development.
As you watch, consider the following:
What does Piaget consider to be a milestone in the development of working memory? What does it mean to be egocentric, according to Piaget?
Video: Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Development ( v=8I2hrSRbmHE&t=45s) (5:08) Vygotsky’s theory of development places emphasis on the social world around us. He believed that community and language play a major role in how we learn.
As you watch, consider the following:
What are the four elementary functions that Vygotsky believes we are born with? What is the signicance of the zone of proximal development to developmental theory?