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Write a Division or Classification Essay by choosing an object or abstract concept (such as lying, cheating etc.) and either classifying or dividing it into its proper categories (if classifying) or it’s parts (if dividing).

Essay 2: Classification/Division
Worth 50 points

What is Classification? It is a system with which we organize the objects in our world, and our lives. Why? We do so to make our lives easier in many ways. Imagine this situation: Wal-Mart employees unloaded and shelved new merchandise. But tired and unsupervised, they decided to place the items throughout the store at random. The next day, customers are confused and angry because shopping has become very difficult. Cat food is next to socks that are next to motor oil that is next to popcorn that is next to chocolate that is next to . . . You get the idea; classifying similar items clarifies and simplifies—condiments, cereals, canned vegetables and fruit, detergent are categories that you see in the grocery store that make your shopping experience easier. You even classify the music on your Itunes or mp3 players into playlists for easy access.

What is Division? Division means breaking something into its individual parts or elements. For instance, if we look at the category “condiments” in the grocery store we will realize that there are many items that are shelved under this category like: ketchup, hot sauce, salad dressings, honey etc. These parts make up the “condiment aisle”.


Write a Division or Classification Essay by choosing an object or abstract concept (such as lying, cheating etc.) and either classifying or dividing it into its proper categories (if classifying) or it’s parts (if dividing). The thesis should help the reader understand the point of the essay (informing, persuading, or explaining a process) as well as enabling the reader to understand the reasoning behind your classifications or divisions and its purpose.

Remember that the paper has to be at least 5 full pages in MLA format.

Suggestions for classification/division essay topics:
Now, as you know the simple principles of classification/division papers, you are welcome to choose one from this collection of topics for a classification/division essays:
1. Facebook users
2. Roommates
3. Dancing styles
4. College athletes
5. Parenting styles
7. Students and their study habits