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.Create plausible solutions and implications of solutions, including internal mandates by the business and possible government intervention.

Ethics Project

Ethical issues in the business place have become more prevalent in the past two decades. You will find a real life ethical issue that has made news headlines, either locally or globally, within the past 10 years.

The body of the report should contain between 1,000 and 1,500 words, this is the equivalent of 4 – 5 double spaced pages with standard margins and 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font. Provide the link(s) to the news article(s) and answer the following questions and list on a references page (APA format).

1.State the ethical question at issue.

2.Identify the purpose of the argument, both in defense and against the actions of the person or business at the center of the ethical issue.

3.Identify the issues present in the ethical dilemma, information and data about the dilemma, and provide a non-biased assessment of the issue.

4.Identify assumptions, bias, and point of view of information presented in the article(s) you have located about the person or business.

5.Create plausible solutions and implications of solutions, including internal mandates by the business and possible government intervention.

6.What have you learned through this research? As a professional, how will you modify your own actions to ensure you act in an ethical manner?

Your Turn It In originality score must be below 25% or you will receive a zero on the assignment.
Your information must be presented in a professional, typed document, that is NOT in PDF format.

Format: 40 points

Spelling/grammar: 35 points

Content: 200 points


Format your paper as shown below. It does not require APA format, except for the references.

Ethical Issue Project

Your Name

Start with a brief summary and explanation of the ethical issue.
Body of the paper, giving specific details about the ethical issue.
Brief summary of your ideas.
Use a 12-point font.
The document must be double spaced.
Number each page.
Must have multiple and logical paragraphs with the first word indented.
Must answer all six questions listed at the top of the assignment description.
Must have all references listed at the end of the document on a separate page in APA format : APA Formatting Guide (Links to an external site.)

The college is taking a critical look at student writing and concerns of plagiarism. Any writing assignments that scores above 25% through will receive a zero grade. Please answer all questions in the assignment in your own words and give credit to sites and authors when you use their information through both the reference list and in-text citations. If you do not credit an author with their own work, it is considered plagiarism. Also, it is not recommended that you to include the question from the textbook in your written responses as this will raise your originality score.