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Based on Hendrich II Fall Risk Tool, what is your assessment to Mario Super? What is his score?


Week 2 Discussion/Assignment is focused on Patient Safety. According to World Health Organization (2019) Patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care and reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with health care to an acceptable minimum. Nursing daily activities revolves of providing patient and his environment the optimum care preventing avoidable events such as falls. Customarily, fall risk assessment is done during patient’s admission, transfer or discharge or any change of clinical condition. In this assignment, a scenario will depict the patient health circumstance and based on your assessment, your score will determine the patient’s risk of falling. You will use Hendrich Fall Risk Tool in determining this. See below.

This assignment is due today, Saturday, July 17, 2021 on or before 5:00pm.

Advantages of these pathways / tools / core measures
• Reduce variation and standardize care
• Provide efficient and evidenced based-care
• Improve outcomes
• Educate staff as to best practices
• Improve care planning
• Facilitate discussion among staff

Scenario 5

Mario Super, 34 y/o male is admitted to surgical step down unit after having a radical prostatectomy procedure. He has history of prostate cancer, HTN and seizure disorder and is maintenance of Leviteracetam 500mgs po twice a day. He is awake, alert x4 and moves all his extremities. He is on morphine PCA for pain management, he has nasal cannula at 2 liters per minute and ETCo2 (end-tidal Co2) monitoring. Also, he has a foley catheter with blood -tinged urine output noted with 40-50 mls every hour. He has his family visiting during your rounds and asked you if it is okay for him to walk around the unit later when his family leaves.

Based on Hendrich II Fall Risk Tool, what is your assessment to Mario Super? What is his score?

List five preventive measures you will initiate for fall precautions