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Identify ethically problematic situations in business practice from different social actors and institutional stakeholders using theoretical models and frameworks.


Course: BA (Hon) Business Managment
Module Title: Business Ethics
Module Code:
Assignment Title: Assignment (Poster)

Weighting: 100%

Word Guideline: 2000 words

Learning Outcomes (LO) to be Assessed:

LO1. To critically evaluate and synthesise different theoretical approaches to business ethics and assess their impact upon the success of organisations

LO2. To identify ethically problematic situations in business practice from different social actors and institutional stakeholders using theoretical models and frameworks

LO3. To deal with complex issues in a critical and creative way to make sound judgments. To produce effective and concise reports in both digital and hard copy formats

LO4. Reflection on the nature of Ethics and what it means for Business Organisations

Assignment verified by: Verification Panel

Assessment Brief for Semester 1, 2020-21

You are required to make a digitally produced presentation (poster preferably) circa 2000 words (100%)

1. You will identify a company that is considered ethical and the reason why it is considered ethical?
2. What ethical philosophy do they follow and why?
3. What is the role of the senior management team to maintain the business standards of the company?
4. What is the role of employees to maintain the business standards of the company?