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Evaluate how learning opportunities identified in your personal development plan have improved performance

Assignment Eleven – Engage in Personal and Professional Development

Activity 1
Links to learning outcome 1 (AC1.1)

Refer to your job description or one for the role of a teaching assistant to support you with this task.

• Describe the duties and responsibilities of (your) own work role.

Activity 2 – Be able to reflect on organisational practice.
For this activity answer the following criteria critically analysing your role and how your own values impact on your practice.

Provide suitable examples.

Explain how reflection supports improving the quality of the learning environment (2.1)

Demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice (2.2)

Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice (2.3)

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks (3.1)

Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development (4.1)

Activity 3 – Be able to use learning opportunities and reflective practice to contribute to personal development.

Show how to record progress in relation to a personal development plan (5.3)

For this activity produce a personal development plan, use the headings below as a template:

Provide written answers to the following criteria:

Evaluate how learning opportunities identified in your personal development plan have improved performance (5.1)

Explain how reflection on own practice has led to improved ways of working (5.2)
Supervisory Observation

This unit requires you to be observed in your own setting. Your supervisor should observe you in practice, completing the following tasks as part of your day to day role.

Your supervisor will complete an observation form with commentary on your performance and competency in these specific tasks.

Following your observation, you should discuss with your supervisor any areas of development as part of a professional discussion. A professional discussion form should be completed/or a zoom recording of your professional discussion can be submitted.

Ensure that your name units’ number and criteria identified in the observation is included. All records must be signed and dated before submitting your tutor.

Criteria covered:

• Demonstrate use of feedback to evaluate own performance and inform development (3.2)

• Show how to work with others to review and prioritise own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities (4.2)

• Show how to work with others to agree a personal development plan and set targets (4.3)

Reflective Records

Reflective Records are an opportunity for you to provide an account of your working practice with examples of how you meet each of the following criteria.

You should complete your reflective record using the Reflective Record sheet that we provide. After you have completed your Reflective Record, both you and your work-based supervisor must sign and date the reflective record.

You may include more than one criteria on one Reflective Record sheet. You must clearly state the Unit Number, Unit Name and Criteria Number(s) on your Reflective Record Sheet. Please note sheets are provided at the back on the course.

Complete a Reflective Record sheet to demonstrate how you meet each of the following criteria. You must provide specific examples of how you have done this in practice. It is not enough to just describe your responsibilities in each case – specific examples of what you have done in your work place should make up your Reflective Records.

Criteria covered:

• Collate the information needed to update learner records from valid and reliable sources (5.1)

• Review learner records to ensure they are accurate, complete and up-to-date (5.3)

• Use organisational procedures to ensure secure storage of learner records (5.5)