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Write a 2,500-words piece on one of the following:Are global brands an expression of cultural imperialism?What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalisation?

Media, Globalisation and Culture


Assessment 2 (Research Essay):

You are required to write a 2,500-words piece on one of the following questions:

1. Are global brands an expression of cultural imperialism?

2. What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalisation?

3. In what ways do media events bring global populations together?

4. How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalisation?

The deadline for this assignment is Monday 18th January 2021 (week 13) at 15.00. You will submit the research essay electronically via Learning Central (see details below). Note that you have a 10% leeway either way, when it comes to the word count. It counts towards 60% of your grade.

What distinguishes this essay from the previous one is that you are expected to answer your question by focusing on a specific example or case study, for example the advertising campaign(s) of a particular company, a particular celebrity, a media event, or analyse media coverage of particular event/issue/group of people.

The assignment is designed in a way that leaves you freedom to engage with the concept(s) you found most interesting in the module and apply them to the media examples of your choice. If you have any other ideas about what you would like to do, you should discuss it with your teacher firs. In any case, you should check your ideas with your seminar teacher before starting your project.

Your work will be assessed according to the criteria outlined above for the first summative assignment, with a special focus on the application of concepts on contemporary examples and evidence of original thinking and reflection when discussing the case study/example of your choice.