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Create a Checking Account brochure that is designed to get you to choose the best banking option by comparing it with the other two banks.

Part A: Personal Money Management Composite
(50 Points Possible)

For Part A, you will research checking accounts and account services at three different banks. After comparing all three, select the account that best meets your current needs and explain why it is the best option for you.You may use any of these formats,but you must discuss all the points on the Products and Services List on the next page of this assignment document.”

1. Write your composite as a report. Select one option and write a 500-word conclusion explaining why the option you chose best fits your needs.Create a comparison chart for the three banks,comparing and contrasting theitems inthe Products and Services List.”

2. Create a Checking Account brochure that is designed to get you to choose the best banking option by comparing it with the other two banks.(Remember that you need to give credit for any pictures you use as well as the product or service information.)

3. Create an audio or video presentation in the form of an advertisement. If you are submitting a video file, save it in one of the following formats:avi, wmv, mov, mp4. If you are creating an audio file,save it in one of the following formats: mp3 or wav.”