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Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

Level 0 Assignment Guide – E-Portfolio

Orientation for Success in Higher Education.

This Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Brief. To succeed, you must address each part of the Assignment Brief and satisfy all the learning outcomes.

General Notes:

• Word counts given below are a guide – ensure to stay within the maximum word count i.e. 1500.

• Direct citations of not more than 1 sentence are not included in your word count – use your research wisely.

• Information in blue ink is only a guide to demonstrate one way of meeting the criteria of the assignment and remaining within the wordcount.

Learning Outcomes:

LO 1 Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within Business and Management discipline.

LO 2 Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feedforward as an integral to inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work.

LO 3 Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

LO 4 Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.


E-Portfolio evidence, used for the plan – 1500 Words equivalent.

You need to produce five documents (word format) which will demonstrate what you have learnt from the module, how your learning will impact further studies and future careers and create SMART objectives to action the learning that has taken place with regards to reflective learning, use of formative feedback, future implications, action plans and SWOT analysis relating to student.

Things to do,

Cover page: student ID, Module name, Academic year group, Lecturer name.
 Reflective Learning.
 Use of Formative feedback.
 Explain Skills to successfully learn in the University.
 Benefits of Formative assessment to students.
 SWOT analysis.

E-Portfolio – 1,500 words

The five documents need to be 300 words each and include identify and explain areas of learning from this module.

1). Reflective Learning.
2). Use of Formative feedback.
3). Explain Skills to successfully learn in the University.
4). Benefits of Formative assessment to students
5). SWOT analysis

Each segment of the table must have a detailed sentence – see examples below:

A. Area of Learning – Use the following areas only,

1). Reflective Learning.
2). Use of Formative feedback.
3). Explain Skills to successfully learn in the University.
4). Benefits of Formative assessment to students
5). SWOT analysis

B. Reflection of Learning – in this section you must describe in detail your knowledge prior to the module and what you have learnt from the module e.g. ‘prior to attending the module, I had an awareness of what SWOT analysis and what reflection of learning was, however, I did not fully realise what the purpose was and how they are used.

C. Future Implication – explain how you will use your new knowledge to aid in your studies, i.e. being a better student, and how you will use the new information to help make you a better student or employee.

D. Action Plan– each target that you create should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). Use the examples that will be discussed in the lectures to aid with this part of the portfolio.

E. SWOT analysis for student.