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Is hand eye coordination affected by time of day?.” The construct is hand eye coordination:Discuss.

Words: 38
Pages: 1
Subject: Psychology



I.The research question is “Is hand eye coordination affected by time of day?.” The construct is hand eye coordination.

Hand-eye coordination is the vision systems ability to coordinate information received through the eyes and produce movement and execute a specific task.

The independent variable is what is going to be manipulated; the time of day (morning vs night time). The dependent variable is what is being measured. The dependent variables: the amount of kills per match in a practice battle royal warzone match.

II. The null hypothesis is the participant will not have better hand eye coordination during the morning.

The alternative hypothesis is the participant will demonstrate better hand eye coordination during the morning than at night.

III. The dependent variables will be measured in the amount of kills per match. The independent variable will have two levels: morning time matches and the night time matches.

The design is an experimental design. The same person will be measured in a total of 12 matches in the morning and 12 matches during the night. The sample size consists of one participant. The experiment will be a between group experiment and an independent sample t-test for raw data will be conducted. The significance level (alpha) will be set at (.05) in the single tailed test.

The data will be shown with 2 bar graphs with the X axis in the first figure showing the time of day (morning and night) and the Y axis will show the amount of kills. The second figure will demonstrate the time of day and kills split into the two days. Random assignment is not applicable. To reduce systematic bias games played can be divided into 2 days and 2nights. 6 games played during the morning each day and 6games played at night each night.

IV. Procedure

The participant must get an adequate amount of sleep (8 hours) the night before the study takes place. The participant will eat breakfast and not indulge in any caffeine or energy drinks that may alter hand eye coordination results. The participant will be wearing contacts so that vision is not impaired. At 9am the participant must log in to a Warzone battle royale practice mode match and begin the match.

During each match the weapons load out will consist of an LMG class weapon known as the RPD and the secondary weapon will be the hand gun that is given when the player lands. At the end of each match the number of kills will be recorded. The game will be repeated 6 times from 9am to no later than 11am. At the end of the experiment the participant will continue their daily routine. At 7pm the participant will begin the second set of Warzone battle royale practice mode matches. The games will be played between 7pm-9pm. At the end of each match the number of kills will be recorded. The same process will be repeated for the second day.

Data Number of Kills

Night 1







Night 2







Day 1







Day 2







For the procedure in the methods please use the information i provided. Don’t forget to use statistical measures in the results section like that of the example papers.

Here is some references you can use to complete the introduction